Just Her

Liling returned home quite late. Liu Wei had even come back before her this time; he was so worried that he had waited for her downstairs, although he had pretended to be engrossed in the reality show that he was watching.

When he heard the screeching of a car tires outside, he stood up reflexively and raced out without thinking. It was when he got outside and was hit by the cold gust of wind that he realized what he was doing.

Liling had just stepped out of the car when she saw him, they had seen each other that morning but it felt like ages, she smiled widely and walked towards him.

''Why are you back so late, you got me so worried'' Liu Wei complained as he pulled her in for a quick hug, pecking her forehead.

''I missed you, today was hectic for me, my manager says I'll have to release my Album by New Year and she says there is this show and I have to perform and…''