Don't be delusional

After mealtime, the people chatted away, Miss Su excused herself to take a call, leaving Liling and Su Min together. Liling sensed that he was going to speak, so she immediately stood up and left for the restroom.

Liling literally slept there, she had a bad feeling about this guy and she did not want to get involved with him. After staying in there for as long as she could, she dragged herself back to the room.

As soon as she came in, Miss Su waved at her. She was sitting with two men and they looked, significant.   Striding over to them, Liling smiled and greeted them gracefully.    

''Have a seat.'' One of the men said, and Liling sat down beside Miss Su.

''Miss Liling, I saw your performance today, you are good, very good.''

The man said, nodding with a smile.

''Thank you sir ''

She replied warmly.