A girl with no background

Da Xia did not expect that reaction, thus her smile dwindled drastically.

''I'm yet to understand what would make you think that I would leave Liu Wei if you tell me to. What makes you think you can tell me what to do?''

Liling asked; she looked scary.

''No, I know you wouldn't. I mean, who would leave some money making machine?''

Da Xia joked as she opened her bag and took out a check.

She slid it across to Liling, a smirk on her lips.

''That is a blank check, you put in any amount you deem fit. Take the money and disappear from his side.''

Liling stared at Da Xia then at the check in front of her.

''You know right now, Miss Da Xia, I'm ashamed on your behalf. So you want to tell me that this beautiful skull of yours has no brain in it?''