I didn't wear them for you

Whenever he came back, she would hug him and whisper slowly:

'Any news yet?'

It hurt him every time because of his answer was usually 'Not yet'. Although she would smile as though everything was okay, he knew it wasn't. Sometimes, he caught her trying Xin Yong's number in case she answered, but it was usually switched off. Now, he was so happy that there was something he was going to tell her when he got home.

When he got back, Liling was already fast asleep, so he decided to not wake her up. He took a shower and joined her in bed. As though she felt his presence, she turned around and hugged him around the waists.

The next day was Saturday, and they were both staying in; she had been quite busy recently due to her album release, she was only free during the weekends. That explained why she was fast asleep by eight pm.

Closing his eyes, Liu Wei pecked her forehead and slowly drifted off to sleep.