Man Chaser

She said it was only for the night, he could try.

''Alright, deal! ''

Liu Wei exclaimed and Liling grinned. Not wasting another second, he looked away from her charming eyes and sauntered into the bathroom to take a shower.

Liu Wei had just started lathering himself when he felt the door creak open. He immediately turned to look,

Lo, and behold, a stark naked Liling, cat walked into the bathroom.

''W..h.. a..t .. .are you …doing?''

''You asked me to join you, right? I'm doing just that. ''

Liling said as she swayed her hips to where he was standing under the shower, she closed the gap between them, letting the water sprinkle on both of them and at the same time, her nipples rubbing on his torso.