She was stronger now

''Long time no see, Liling. ''

When Manager Su heard Richen, she gazed at both of them, a bit surprised.

''You know each other? ''

''Yes, she was a roommate in college. ''

Richen replied and Manager Su smiled.

''That's great; you won't have problems getting along with each other then. ''

Liling forced a smile and walked towards the empty seat which was beside Richen, sitting down she dropped her beg on her laps, not looking at Richen a second time.

She wondered why Richen was suddenly under Manager Su.

''Liling, right now you have over twenty endorsement offers, you won't have to accept all anyways. Just give me a minute, let me finish with Richen, I'll get back to you. ''

Liling smiled as she waited for them to be through.

From what they talked about, Liling understood that Richen had been recommended by someone to Manager Su, and she was about releasing her Album.