I'm never going back

When Liling rinsed her mouth, she stood by the sink briefly; ever since she left that morning, she had been feeling like vomiting. Maybe, it was because she missed him too much.

She stared at her reflection on the mirror for a while, before dragging herself out of the bathroom__

''Are you okay? ''

Manager Su asked as soon as Liling sat back down on her seat.

''Yeah, it's just a brief stomach upset but it'll go away soon. ''

Liling said, taking out a handkerchief from her handbag, she wiped her mouth with it.

''Okay, but still, you should go to the hospital, just in case.''

Liling nodded. She knew she was like that because she missed him and she would be okay in a few days, but she was not about to tell that to Manager Su.

After the meal, Liling went back home. After taking a shower, she lay on the bed staring at her phone. It was just past nine and Liu Wei was still yet to arrive in America. Bored, Liling dialed Xin Yong's number.