Stay with me

By the time Liling, finished dressing up, her driver was already waiting for her downstairs. As she walked down the stairs, Yan Ran walked out of the kitchen with a cup.

''Liling, drink this, it's good for the health. ''

She extended a cup of something Liling couldn't figure out what was inside.

''What's this? ''

''It is pineapple and Aloe Vera juice, you complained of stomach upset, this is good for the belly.\''

Liling smiled, ''Oh thank you, but I'm in a hurry now, I'll take it when I return, you can keep it in the fridge. ''

Yan Ran looked hesitant but she forced a smile. ''Okay, it'll be in the fridge then, have a nice day, Liling.''

Liling smiled.

''Thank you ''

She wondered why she was so thoughtful. Not thinking much about it, she walked out the door. Yan Ran gritted her teeth as she watched her leave. If she could, she would shove that drink down her throat!