Falling into place

Xin Yong and Jin Yue were rendered speechless at that instant. It seems the hardest part of it all was breaking the news to the patient.

Liling chuckled; ''Why are you both staring at me like that? Do I have HIV? Am I going to die? ''

''No, not at all; you're okay. ''

Xin Yong sat on her seat and pulled closer to Liling. She held her hand closely as stared at her face.

''Liling, everything is okay and will be more than okay from now. Something happened, but I'm sure it won't happen again. ''

Liling was becoming scared. ''Xin Yong, tell me what's wrong? ''

Xin Yong took in a deep breath; it was really hard telling a mom that she just lost her child.

''Liling, you… you miscarried. ''

Xin Yong said slowly and pitifully; she held onto Liling's hand tightly. Liling was staring at Xin Yong as though she had just said something funny; all of a sudden she started laughing.

Xin Yong and Jin Yue turned to look at themselves;