An Extra

She was still drunk…

Jin Yue heaved a sigh of relief as he realized that she was still drunk and could not recognize him; at least he could use the opportunity to ask her the questions which had been on his mind.

''Are you crying? '' Jin Yue asked worriedly, when he noticed her wiping her eyes,

Xin Yong shook her head vehemently; ''No, why would I cry, I'm just teary, that's all, maybe because of the alcohol ''

She tried to cover up but it seems even her tear glands were against her, at that moment, she began crying the more.

Jin Yue felt a sharp pain in his heart that he could barely breathe. He wanted to stop the car that instant and comfort her but he couldn't; in doing so, he might give himself away.

''I'm sorry ''

He said after sometime; Xin Yong chuckled dryly; 

''You don't need to be, you didn't do anything wrong…''