New Home


''Wow! ''

She exclaimed as Jin Yue drove into the compound,

''Where is this place? Who lives here? ''

She asked, alighting from the car as Jin Yue held the car door open for her.

''Our new home…. ''

He said with a warm smile on his face. Xin Yong's eyes immediately darted towards him;

''You are joking; aren't you? ''

She asked with disbelief written all over her face.

Jin Yue laughed lightly; from her expression, he was sure she was already in love with the house;

''Do you like it? ''

''Oh my god… are you seriously asking me that?! I love this! Jeez! When? How? ''

She never imagined that the surprise would be a new home.

''I know this may not be an ideal marriage day, but I really wanted to see you smile today. ''