
''Grandpa… grandma…''

Liu Wei greeted as he approached them. Grandma, who was speaking to Grandpa suddenly turned to look at the direction of the voice and a smile spread across her lips;

''Oh my goodness, Wei Wei! My boy is so grown!! '' Grandma exclaimed as she rushed towards him and enveloped him in a warm embrace, not letting him go.

They hadn't changed much from the last time he saw them. Just a few wrinkles appearing here and there;

''Son, how are you? You're all grown! ''

Grandpa said with a smile as he watched his wife hug her grandson like he was her oxygen.

They were much alike, his father and grandfather; there wasn't much difference in their features even in character, except that his father was a bit taller.

''I'm fine grandpa, have you been well? ''

He asked smiling a bit;

''Oh yes we've been well. And you! You didn't even call after so many years! ''