He could only hope

''What! ''

Grandma exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. She couldn't believe that someone who looked as innocent as that lady could be able to hurt a fly and she even started to like her!

''Grandpa knows about my woman right? ''

Liu Wei asked, turning to stare at his grand mom.

She thought for a moment;

''He should know, he talks with your dad quite a lot; there is no way he would be oblivious about it. ''

Liu Wei was quiet for some seconds, and then he took out his phone;

''This is her…''

He gave the phone to her and grandma's face warmed;

'Wow, she's really pretty; ''

She said with a true smile on her face, after staring for a while, she gave the phone back to him.

''I would love to meet her someday. ''

Grandma said hopefully; for the fact that he had chosen that woman, she loved her already.

''Maybe one day, but not very soon; I don't want grandpa to come after her. ''