
He had his arms around her and she was smiling… happy?

Her mom blinked twice to be sure that she wasn't seeing things;

''Who is this? What is he doing here? ''

She asked, shifting her gaze from her daughter to the man beside her;

''Mom, let me explain… ''

''I asked you question, and I'm sure, that is not a reply! ''

Her mom's chest was heaving heavily, and she held onto the door to prevent herself from falling;

''He's my fiancé mom…''

''What did you just say? Are you crazy? Xin Yong, what has come over you? ''

Her father, who heard the commotion going on outside stepped out but was in more shock than his wife.

''What's going on here? ''

He asked, creasing his brows;

''What is this man doing here? ''

Actually, Jin Yue had expected their reaction; so he wasn't entirely surprised;

''I can explain…''

''Explain what? Explain what exactly? Have you gone mad? ''