High Hopes

 Liu Wei covered her lips tenderly, shutting her unsaid words; many things were flowing through her head at that moment,  she quickly held his head put, but when he saw that she was about to resume her unending questions, he replied;

''Grandma said not actually, but since grandpa let us come to the house for dinner, I think there is hope''

A bright smile washed her lips, and her eyes twinkled excitedly;

''Oh my god!! Oh my god!! ''

She screamed breathlessly; she didn't know if she was going to laugh or cry; a joyful laughter left her lips as she hugged the hell out of his neck;

''Hurray!! Oh my, when are we going? Do I have something to wear?! I didn't even go to the saloon, my hair has some overgrowth, baby, I didn't even do my manicure! ''

She pushed him aside and stood up wearing only her panties, her hands on her boobs;

Liu Wei lay on his back, his hands under his head as he watched her walk confusedly around the room, almost naked.