Brightest in a zillion stars

She released him for a moment and walked out the door to the balcony to see the view from upstairs;

''Wow, so pretty! ''

There were a few houses in the estate as beautiful as theirs too, the houses were spaced apart, and she could barely see people, everywhere was so quiet. Her eyes glanced downwards and they met a swimming pool;

''A guitar…''

She whispered as Liu Wei cupped her from behind, his hands going around her waists,

She remembered that in his former home, his swimming pool was a guitar, now here again;

''Is there something behind this, it seems you love the guitar, do you know how to play? I noticed your swimming pool was a guitar at the former house, now here again;

She turned around to stare in his eyes as she couldn't resist asking;

Liu Wei paused for a bit before he replied;

''Come in; let me show you something; '' He said, pulling her by the hand and taking her back into the room;