
''Su Min, are you free tonight? ''

Richen called after the day's work. They had been dating for a while but she needed no-one to tell her that Su Min was just using her for his sexual desires. She had been complying since she didn't have a choice and she needed the fame but now there was something else bigger than the fame.

''No, I'm very busy; if there is nothing, I'll be hanging up the call now. ''

Su Min answered aloofly; this has been his normal way, only calling on her when he needed sex, she had become a semi-prostitute.

''Wait! There is something. ''

''What is it about? ''

Richen was quiet for a second; ''It's about Liling. ''

At the mention of Liling the other side went silent;

''what about her? '' Su Min's voice calmed this time, he was no longer in a hurry to end the call.

''I can get her for you. ''