I would just ask you once

She immediately called Jin Yue to tell him what had happened;

''Jin Yue, Liling had gone missing. Where are you? I don't know what to do! ''

''What did you say? Where, how did it happen? ''

''She said she was going to  the restroom, and it was over twenty minutes yet she wasn't out of the bathroom, when I went to check for her, I didn't see her in the restroom, so I went out to look for her and I found her hair clip on the floor!

 Jin Yue! Something has happened to Liling! Something bad! Somebody is trying to hurt her, we have to do something! ''

''Okay calm down, have you told Liu Wei? ''

"Yes, I just called him now. ''

''Alright, just stay where you are, I'm coming to get you now, okay? ''

''Hurry! I'm getting scared!''

''It's alright, nothing will happen to her, I'll be there in a minute, okay? ''