The Dragon island

"Tamariesha!!" my mother screamed in excitement while almost colliding with me.

I do love her, but this is really embarrasing! Before I knew it, I was blushing a little.

Closing my eyes, I nearly forgot that we were in the air.

'It's really peaceful out here...well, with the exception of my mother...' smelling the fresh air, hearing the peaceful wind blowing, all I wanted to do is explore this place.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw my mother looking at me with her gentle expression.

"I knew you would love it, it's in our blood after all." she said.

This is the day, when my dragon-self truly started to live. My thoughts were cut short, again...

"We should get going, we don't want to be late." mother empatized.

Late? As I started to ponder about it, she flew towards the east where only the vast ocean was located. I felt like we are going on a school field trip. My mother would've been the teacher and I the curious child.

As I looked at the glittering surface of the ocean, here and there I could see small monsters being chased by bigger ones. Even a giant octopus! In the corner of my eye I even saw humanoid creatures swimming with seal like monsters. They were really cute!

Despite my amusement, after several hours of flying I got really tired.

I tried to ask 'Are we there yet?' but all that could be heard was "Ar~e~ev~et?".

Yeah, I need to put more work towards my pronunciations.

She probably understood my intentions and replied with "Just a little bit further and we will be there". She does smile a lot despite being a dragon...

All I have to do is endure. It's not that that easy okay!? I'm still a baby dragon.

In the far distance, I could see really small silhouettes flying trough the sky...As we flew closer and closer, they became bigger and bigger. At last, I could see that they are dragons. Big ones at that. They saw us approaching and turned towards us.

"Don't worry, they are friends" mother slowed her flight to match mine and we flew next to each other towards the two dragons. The bigger one had shiny red scales, while the other one had them light blue.

A little startled with my mother appearance as she came into their full view, the two dragons approached us while one of them muttered 'The silver scales, that can only be her' in low voice. I guess my mother is famous dragon noble?

"Lady Aliciance!" the red dragon said loudly.

"Where have you been for the past 50 years! Your father was sick worried!" he betrayed my expectations.

"I'm already 673 and he's still trying to restain me on this island?" she snorted.

"But you are the heir! You can't just leave!" the red dragon was defending my grandfather. My mother is kind of tomboy I guess...

"Anyway, we should go and see your grandfather" my mother said to me. But why are you having that villainess smile again?

"G-grandfather? B-but that would mean..." finally noticing my pressence, both of the dragons looked at each other with their eyes wide open.

"Yes, this is my daughter Tamariesha" my mother confirmed it. All I could say was "Ai~!".

"Go tell to the head of the Silverscale family that there's an urgent matter!" said the red dragon towards his colleague.

"Lady Aliciance and Lady Tamariesha, can I ask you to follow me?" as he said with a forced smile. Behind him, something huge appeared.

What came into my view was a beautiful island.