Chapter 1

Her chains rattled as she walked through the halls of the prison where she was imprisoned.

She was actually on her way to meet the one who imprisoned her and the President of her own country. She smiled as she sensed her freedom was just a few minutes away.

"What brings the president of the Philippines here?" she asked as she showed her sinister smile.

The lawyer beside the old man cleared his throat, catching his attention.

"Ahh, the hero of the century. How are you? Nice tie by the way," she giggled.

"Miss Nightshade, I suggest you take this visit very seriously," he said.

"Oh? Was this some serious meeting?" she asked as she took out the gum she was chewing and stuck it under the table. "Fire away whatever questions you have."

The older man looked at the man beside him before speaking.

"How is the prison, by the way?" the old man asked.

She looked at him in disbelief. What did he think?

"What do you think, Mr. President? Should I be telling you that I'm living the life?" she asked sarcastically.

Ever since she was imprisoned, she was mostly isolated from the other prisoners. She was practically the most dangerous criminal in that facility.

"Well, if that's the case then, we have an offer you cannot turn down," the lawyer said as he slid a folder to her.

"What is it?" she asked as she pointed to the folder, unwilling to open it.

"Before asking us, why don't you open it for yourself?" the lawyer said.

She looked at them in disbelief before laughing.

"You're a little serious Attorney Generoso. Don't be like that, you'll get wrinkles," she said as she grabbed the folder and opened it.

She flipped through the pages, quietly reading the documents before throwing it back to them.

"No. I'd like to stay in this facility more. I still haven't made friends here," she said as she crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair.

"Your talent is a very precious thing to waste in this facility," the president commented.

She scoffed at his words.

"Talent is the thing you are born with. What I have are skills that I obtained from deadly training. Skills that are only for heartless human beings like me," she said seriously.

"US has also been eyeing to hire you. Don't you want to serve your country?" the president asked.

"Serve my country?" she scoffed. "What a bold question you have there, Mr. President. My country didn't even serve me justice when I was orphaned."

"I will find who killed your parents if that's what you want. I could grant you access to the government's database if you like," the president offered.

"Mr. President, I'm a killer. And you want me to teach those children the skills that would destroy a life? A strange president you are," she laughed.

"Strange as I am, we will be entering a war that our country cannot win. That is why I'm here to ask for your assistance," he said. "I cannot stand and watch as our country turns to ashes."

She stood still for a moment before speaking.

"Fine. Get me out of this hell-hole. But," she paused. "I have one condition to ask of you, Mr. President."

"That's enough. We are already getting you out of prison," the lawyer said as he slammed on the table.

"Hoo, General Generoso, your personality is really the opposite of your last name. You aren't generous at all," she said as she sat back. "General, I really don't mind wasting my skills and staying here 'til the last strand of my hair turns white."

"What is it that you want?" the President asked.

She turned around and paused by the door.

"I'd like all of my belongings back, my money and my properties," she said before leaving.