
Chapter 3

After the students introduced themselves

"Hmm, what if there is a situation that requires you to kill someone, would you do it?" she asked as she walked around the classroom, observing the listening students. "Ms. Angel Dela Cruz, would you do it?" she asked as she pointed to a girl at the back.

Angel slowly stood up but showed no sign in answering. She signaled for her to sit down.

"If the situation requires you to kill someone, you kill them. Come on, we have somewhere to be," she said as she grabbed her helmet. "I'm going to show you how my world and this world works."

The students followed her outside where a government bus was waiting for them. As the students were boarding the bus excitedly, Rai approached her.

"What you're going to do will leave a very deep scar in their mind. Yet you show no remorse," he said.

"The world doesn't know how to be merciful. Since I was 5, I was taught that in this world, it's either kill or be killed," she said. "And if this government wants assassins, then I'll give them high-quality assassins."

Earlier that day, she informed him of what was going to happen that day and she already notified the government. The government already gave their go signal.

As the students were already seated inside the bus, she rode her own bike.

When they arrived at the facility where she was supposed to teach the other kids, a group of convicted criminals was also there. The foreign students were also present.

"Ms. Bella, is it really appropriate to show them? What about those who won't be chosen?" Commander Hui asked.

"Commander, this exact scene was shown to me when I was still 5 years old. This is nothing," she said coldly.

The students got curious as they saw the convicted criminals that they only saw on TV.

"I'm assuming you're curious to what I will show you?" she said as she sat on the table and assembled a gun and loaded it with bullets. "These people are convicted criminals with death sentences from different countries."

A soldier made a prisoner kneel before her. She slowly aimed the gun to his head, shocking the students.

"Please ma'am, I have kids," the man cried. She noticed that he had wet himself. She already saw hundreds of scenes like this on her missions.

"But you know you're going to die anyway, right?" she asked as she showed no hint of mercy in her eyes. Seeing the real Nightshade in front of them, made them shiver. Even the soldiers who were supposed to be used to seeing this kind of scenes.

"Please ma'am, I still want to see my son graduate. Just until he graduates," the man cried.

A student suddenly stood up.

'hmm?' she thought as she retracted her gun.

"D-Don't kill him! Doesn't it bother your conscience? Killing a man with a family?" the student said.

"Oh? What's your name, sweetheart?" she asked as she looked at the student with interest.

"Ace Montefalco," he said.

"Hmm, what do you know of his family?" she asked.

"I don't know," he answered. "Don't you have a family? Would you ever want someone to take you away from your family?"

Her expression turned dark as she put the gun on the table and slowly walked towards him. She held his chin.

"Oh? How daring of you," she said. "Alright then, sit down."

She looked at the prisoner who was still kneeling in front. She got another gun from her waist and shot the man in the head.

"That man has raped hundreds of children including his own. He killed his wife after he raped her, a drug lord who had massacred an entire orphanage after he raped the nuns," she said as she kept shooting at the fallen prisoner who was now bleeding to death.

The students cried of shock after what they had witnessed.

"You can never trust a human. After all, humans aren't perfect. They lie, they kill, they cheat," she said as she shrugged. "Now, Mr. Ace, how would you bring justice to the people he killed? Imprisoning him?" she laughed.

She walked to the corpse and stepped on it. She signaled for another soldier to bring another prisoner. This time, it was a prisoner she knew so well.

"Well, well... Isn't this the new government's lapdog," the prisoner laughed. "How many years was it?"

"Just a year," she said. "Mr. Ace, come here."

Ace quickly followed, afraid of the woman who was holding a gun.

"Shoot him dead," she said as she handed him the gun.

His hand shook as he accepted the gun.

"How heartless of you to let a kid shoot me," the prisoner sneered. His comment pissed her off, so she grabbed his head and whispered something on his ear.

"You know how much of a psychopath I am, 'father'. If I chose to kill you myself, I would've tortured you first for my entertainment. But I'm the government's lapdog as you said, so I'll have to pass that thought on," she said as she released his hair.

"Shoot," she said, her eyes cold.

"I-I can't," Ace cried.

Seeing him cry pissed her even more so she grabbed the gun from him and aimed at the prisoner's head. Ace closed his eyes as she pulled the trigger.

But the gun didn't fire, surprising everyone present. Seeing the prisoner's priceless reaction, it made her laugh hysterically.

"HAHAHAHA! OH WOW! YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE 'FATHER'! THAT WAS EXTREMELY PRECIOUS!" she laughed as she wiped some tears from her eyes. "One kill for today is enough. You are for tomorrow, father," she said as she tossed the gun to Rai.

"KILL ME NOW! YOU FCKING BTCH!" the prisoner yelled as the guards dragged him away.

Rai approached her and held her in her arms.

"What the fuck are you doing? You've crossed the fucking line. These are innocent kids," he hissed.

She looked at him with disbelief.

"Innocent kids?" she asked as she laughed hysterically, frightening the students. "Yet your government wants me to turn them into monsters."

"Stop frightening them," Rai said firmly.

"A little fright won't kill them, sweetheart. It's the world outside that will kill them," she said as she turned towards Ace who was standing silently in front of the pool of blood.

"Ace Montefalco, congratulations. You've been chosen together with Sage," she said as she walked out.

"Sir, what if she becomes crazy? There is no way we can defeat her," Commander Hui said.

Rai looked at him.

"That is the reason why I am here, Commander," he said as he followed Bella outside.

Left alone with the students, he decided to calm them down before sending them down the barracks where they would be staying until she chooses another student.

After Rai and he went home, she hurried to the kitchen and made herself some coffee. She quickly rushed to her room as her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

"Why does this always happen every time I kill someone?" she laughed to herself.

While in the barracks, the students who weren't chosen yet stayed in a different quarter.

"I don't want to get chosen," Angel said as she prepared for bed.

"You can't decide for that. You saw how she tested us," Philip said as he arranged his bed.

"Sage and Ace got chosen. And they're the quietest in our classroom," Elena said as she put down her book.

"That means you shouldn't just a book by its cover," Pierre sighed. "But I certainly do hope to be chosen. I badly want to see her chi-blocking fighting technique. I mean, it was just my Chinese fantasy but I never thought I'd get the chance to learn. Tomorrow, I'll make sure of it."

"You're creepy, Pierre. She's scary. She wouldn't think twice in killing a person," Markus said as he hugged his teddy.

"She wouldn't. It's her job. She's been doing this for 10 years," a man said who entered their room. "I'm Han KyungJae, the Korean student. I thought I should get to know my future classmates."

"Ni Hao! I'm Chen Yue. I'm one of the Chinese students," a girl who peaked from behind him.

"Oh, hello!" Angel said as she quickly stood up.

"Learning her history is part of our learning, that is why I knew she's been doing this for the past 10 years," Kyungjae said.

"I'm surprised that your university didn't tell you to learn it. We've been briefed that she would be our mentor," Chen Yue said as she sat down beside Angel.

"But who was that guy who's always beside her? Her sidekick?" Markus asked.

"No, he's my uncle," a Japanese boy said as he entered the room. "Watashi wa Moriyama Keidesu, one of the Japanese students. He's my mother's older brother, Ogawa Rai."

"By the way, how old is she?"

"She's 20," KyungJae replied. "She's been doing this job for a decade already. I heard she was just 8 when she was forced to kill a traitor from the organization that raised her."

"Yes, and she's going to kill you if she ever knows that her students are talking behind her back," a voice spoke from behind Kei.

"Ririku, you came," Chen Yue smiled.

"Not just me," Ririku said as 3 more came. "Huang Ren, Yamamoto Ayako, and that new Filipino recruit came, Ace."

"Hi, guys!" Ace smiled sheepishly.

"You didn't bring any from the Korean students?" Kyungjae asked.

"No, your friends were too strict," Ririku said.

"Yes, we are. And Commander Hui instructed us to come to get you," Hye-soo said with the other students at the back. "We should all go to sleep early, especially those who aren't chosen yet."

"Come on, Hye-soo. You're too uptight," Kyungjae as he stood up to follow Hye-soo. "If you guys get chosen, you better stay out of her way. Anyways, it's late so we'll be going now."

After the foreign students left, they thought about the next test tomorrow. And just thinking about it made them shiver already.