Chapter 02: Purple Rose

Bella's POV

During winter the skies are often cloudy over here. Snowfall is quite common but not abundant. Miercurea Ciuc is one of the coldest cities in Romania and we were like four hours away from there. So it's very cold here in Transylvania too.

"Aye, mate! Wan sum crakarrs!" I heard Becky's voice from behind.

"Your Australian accent is going a bit overboard these days Becky don't you think?" I waved at her laughing.

"Mate, you so rude mayte!" She said being grumpy.

"Still not over that Aussie boy I see!" I giggled.

"Bella, shush someone will hear you," She quickly shoved a cracker inside my mouth.

"Oh my god! Don't kill your best friend cause of your man." I exclaimed laughing.

"Oh look the bus is here!" She said quickly changing the subject about her crush.

I looked in the direction our bus comes from. We usually used to take the bus in the morning to school and in the afternoon after classes. But these days we are just walking home from school because we have to stay there till evening preparing for the graduation ceremony. I and Becky walked to our lockers after reaching our school. Classes are just a formality now. We all are busy preparing and decorating.

I opened my locker to take out my books but I was startled to find something surprising there.

"A rose?"

"What?" Becky looked into my locker and became dumbfounded as well, "Someone gave you a purple rose, Bella!"

"Yeah but how?" I was surprised. I locked my locker when I left school yesterday. How did this rose even get in here?

"Looks like yesterday's note was for you after all. Haha told you!" Becky said in a teasing way.

"Well, now we know the lockers aren't safe to keep our valuable things anymore. I'll ask the office to change my lock by tomorrow," I said putting back the flower inside. Who could have done this! Someone is definitely playing games with me.

"Oh, Bella! You are not romantic at all! What's the point of reading all those romantic poetry books and novels if you don't find these surprises lovely? First the note then the flower? This is so romantic!"

"These only sound good in movies and books, not in real life Becky! Besides I'm certain someone is just pulling a prank on me, nothing else."

"Ah! You are so boring, Bella!" She said pouting.

When we both entered our class I saw the students were gathered around my desk and whispering to each other.

"What's wrong?" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Hey, Isabella's here!" One of the students said my name which made the others look at me.

I went near my desk and became dumbstruck.

"Another rose!" I whispered.

"You know what purple rose means! Love at first sight! The Dracula is coming for his wife, our dear Isabella," Candice said with a scornful laugh.

"Candice stop being such a bi.." Becky snapped but I stopped her.

"Don't it's fine!"

I looked at others, "Guys this was just a joke from one of my friends. Please don't take it seriously and don't believe in these foolish myths. We should all go back to our seats!"

"Sure! Whatever!" Candice sniggered as she walked to her bench and so did others.

Candice has been the plastic girl of our high school. Head of the cheerleader team, popular with the boys. But for some reason, she couldn't stand me. I think the hateful nicknames I got for free, probably originated from her. I don't recall harming her in any way my entire high school life but yeah I don't think I'm hated because of that. I guess every story needs one of her kind in it and my story had one too.

I couldn't focus properly in the whole class. My prime suspect was Candice. She could be pulling a prank to make fun of me or it could be someone else that I'm not aware of. But whoever this person is, he probably has some ill motives. Guess I should have read more of Sherlock Holmes than William Shakespeare.

It soon became time for lunch. I was arranging my books when Becky came near me from her seat.

"Wanna go out for lunch today, Bella? I know a place nearby which recently opened," She proposed.

"I'm amazed how you read my mind!" I smiled. She knew I didn't wanna go to the canteen after today's incident. I had no interest in being the centre of attention.

"Girly I'm your best friend after all!" She winked.

I don't know how I would have survived high school without my best friend Becky. She was the soul of my body and I loved her a lot.

I was stunned by the beauty of the new cafe Becky took me to for lunch.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" I was very impressed.

The cafe was beautifully decorated with Marguerites and tulips. There were benches under the open sky. The entire place was mystical and filled with the sweet aroma of the flowers.

"Yeah this place is great but it's cold though," Becky said rubbing her hands around her arms shivering in cold.

"Oh yeah..." Admiring the place I forgot the fact that I left my sweater in my locker accidentally.

"Well, no worries. You go pick a table, I'll order coffee and lunch for us, missy!" Becky said pointing out an empty table in the middle.

I took out my poetry book from my bag and started reading, sitting there while waiting for Becky. Kids were playing afar and couples were talking with each other. A soft buzzing surrounded us.

I was so lost in my poetry book that I didn't notice that Becky brought coffee for me, kept it on the table and left. I looked at the counter and saw that she was still ordering something. Maybe she didn't want to interrupt so she put it down quietly without even telling me. So considerate of her I said to myself as I took a sip. I really needed the hot coffee to warm me up. It felt like I was dying in cold.

Suddenly I noticed something which shocked me. My hand trembled as I put down the coffee cup on the table. It had a note glued to it with a message saying,

"Sitting next to you

Is like taking a sip of eternity.

The sun, the stars, the sky

Never tasted so good..."

My book fell from my hand as I read the note. The message resembled the same page that I was reading from the poetry book, a poem by Christy Ann Martine. I recognized the cursive handwriting from yesterday. It's exactly the same. Where is he? I looked around me trying to find someone who looked unusual. But there wasn't anyone suspicious. He probably left! I was at a loss, didn't know what to do.