I am a regular Quasani girl. I am from the kingdom of Quasay. My mother was a foreigner who fell in love with my father. She died when I was born. My father was a very traditional man and raised me as a traditional Quasani woman even when I looked different from all the Quasay women. I was raised to revere the King/Sheikh of Quasay and to know that it is the men that runs the family, that they are superior.
I had the regular childhood and upbringing of any Quasani woman, surrounded by many cousins and family. One particular cousin, Jessica, was closer to me. Her family had died when she was a child and she had had to live with us. She became like a sister to me despite our 7 year age gap. But she, unlike me, was raised a little less conservatively by her parents and she was a bit more liberal.
The Quasay Sheikh is said to be a formidable man a bachelor who wishes his life uncluttered with needy women.
I was not totally naïve with the way of the wealthy Quasani men, most especially of the ruling family; who was said to keep a harem of women within the palace for the royal family's pleasure.
One day, as I returned home from the market with my cousin, I happened upon my father in conversation with a few official men, as any conservative Quasani woman I steered clear of the room immediately, women have no business meddling in men's affairs, so I went on through to the kitchen to prepare supper.
While in the middle of preparing our meal I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen doors. I immediately donned by discarded head dress. Men are not supposed to see a woman's hair, even if it's your father. Just as the footsteps came closer I was able to adequately cover my light brown hair, so unlike the jet black of Quasani women, then the door burst open. Three official looking men were at the open kitchen door. I was caught unawares as I had expected it to be my father. Just in time, remembering my manners I gave a low bow and greeted them formally.
Before I knew it 2 of the men had come towards me and grab hold of either of my arms. They murmured something about following them as they propelled me forward. When they had escorted me outside I saw my father's grim face. He nodded once and went back inside the house. As he went, I saw the large royal seal stamped on the black car parked before me. The men opened the car door and motioned for me to get inside, saying I was summoned to the palace.
As I stepped in the car I couldn't help but think why? What possible reason would there be for me to be summoned in the palace when I am a commoner; but as I sat there I saw that I wasn't alone. My cousin was there with me. I moved closer to her and we both whispered to each other. "Why do you think we're being summoned?" she asked.
"I have no idea." I answered just as puzzled.
When we arrived in the palace we were placed in separate rooms. A kindly girl showed me to a beautifully opulent room in the 3rd floor with large windows, French doors opening to a terrace and a luxuriously large marble bath. "Please freshen up and change. A full stock of wardrobe had been provided and the in suite bathroom will contain all that you shall need."
"Thank you. But may I ask the reason for our summons?" I asked politely.
"I am sorry, ma'am, but I am not privy to this information. Please bathe and change, so you may be presentable in the presence of the royal family." She gave a bow and promptly exited the room.
I did as she asked and then I waited in the room; but nightfall passed and no one came to inform me what to do. After some time of waiting, I don't know exactly when, I had fallen asleep.
Hours later I awoke with a start. I felt disoriented and confused for a few minutes, I didn't know where I was; everything was unfamiliar. By the light outside the window I could tell that it was still night, then I remembered… I was in one of the rooms in the palace… I was summoned for as yet an unknown reason.
I scanned the rooms around me; I had the bizarre feeling that I was being watched. A shiver ran up my spine and I turned towards the door. In the darkness, just outlined by the small sliver of light from the in suite bathroom stool a man. I gasped. He took a step forward as I jumped to my feet. Quasani men and women were not allowed in the same room unless with chaperone.
As he took that one small step forward a shaft of light illuminated the man's face. Immediately I got down on my knees and bowed my head, "Your majesty." And as I bowed I noticed my hair spilled to the sides of my face. To my horror, my head dress had been dislodged as I had slept. I quickly ducked behind the bed to re-secure my head dress.
"I'm sorry, your majesty." As I had secured it and I stood up, I found that he had moved. He was an arm's length away. I continued to bend my head and stare at his immaculate shoes. Eye contact is considered only for equals, and as a woman and a commoner I most certainly am not the Sheikh's equal.
As I had my eyes fixed on the floor I had not seen that he had reached out his hand. He pushed down my head dress again. "Such a shame to hide such beautiful hair." And at that moment doubts ate through my consciousness. My heart picked up speed. No man was allowed to touch a woman when they are alone unless he was a direct family member.
"Your highness." I could not contain the whimper that followed. The doubts crystalized into certainty. I was here…. WE were here… as an addition to His majesty's harem.
He hooked his finger below my chin and raised it up. Reluctantly, I raised my eyes to his. His smile was gentle. His eyes a steely grey a reflection of my own pearly grey ones. Before I knew it his head descended into mine and his lips deposited a feather light kiss on mine. My anxieties seemed to diminish. My eyelids fluttered. Just as his head had lifted, his lips returned to feather kisses on my cheek down to my neck… my anxieties rose once more. I did not wish to be treated like an object, a plaything without a life of her own. All of the sheikh's harem women may have all the laps of luxury but they never had the happiness of family, of love… but denying the king could be fatal, to both the self and one's family.
"Highness…" I whimpered undecided.
He stilled, looked into my eyes and said, "You are to be mine…" he looked so formidable and menacing I had no choice but to resign.
I bowed my head and murmured, "As you wish, my lord." And barely had the words slipped passed my lips had he returned to his ministrations. He returned to kissing and nipping my neck, intent on setting me afire. Slowly he pushed me down on the wide, luxurious bed and I offered no resistance. Gently, inch by inch he revealed my flesh, kissing every inch he revealed. A low burning pain started in the pit of my stomach and it spread licks of flame all over my body. I felt limp and watery. As he revealed both peaks of breasts I tried to cover them, shy and embarrassed. But he took both my wrists and pinned them above my head as he cupped first one, weighing each in his hand. Then gradually his head descended and kissed first one peak and then the other, as his tongue snaked and licked over the rapidly hardening peak. Moans and whimpers escaped my throat as electric spasms of heat and pleasure arrowed from my breasts toward my legs and apex. Finally, he opened his mouth and took in one swollen peak and suckled. Husky breaths, moans and whimpers escaped my lips and my back involuntarily arched up toward him. My body was on fire.
"Please… please… Your majesty, please…" I begged. I didn't know what I was begging for but the pleasure was so intense… so all consuming… it was almost painful. He let go of my wrists and as if on instinct I placed both palms on his hard, sinewed chest. I don't know when or how his shirt had been discarded only that my fingers tingled as it felt the masses of coarse chest hair over hard muscles.
As he continued to suckle first one breast then another, his hand traveled down over my abdomen, down to the apex between my legs. At first he cupped my center, and then deliberately slipped one finger, slowly stroking a response. A cry came toppling out of my lips. Before I could take one breath a slow stroke and a flick of one finger over the most sensitive nub of my apex caused me to cry out once more as an explosion of lights and fireworks seemed to have exploded before my eyes. As I came down from an explosive climax, he moved between me and positioned himself, nudging my opening with the head of his shaft. I tensed from the intrusion and he promptly stroked my thigh to soothe the tension as he continued to lick, nip and kiss my neck, chest, ears and breasts. Then just as the tension trickled out he moved against me and gave a powerful thrust, burying himself in me. Pain speared through me. Not wanting to hurt his highness, I took a fistful of sheets when the pain intensified as he moved out and re-entered. Another thrust and the pain ebbed. Gradually he built a rhythm, pulling out and re-entering. Bit by bit I rose up to a mountain as tension and pleasure coiled low in my stomach. Then, more intense than before, my climax exploded. A few thrusts later, he too came in me, and then collapsed on top of me.
After a while he rolled off of me, rolled unto his side and gently his breathing became deep and regular. He was asleep. I rolled unto my side away from him and cried silent tears.
In the middle of the night, again he had awoken me and had taken me once again. This time with me on my belly and he on top of me and his arms around me, kneading my breaths; his lips kissing and nipping my ears, neck and back.
After that he would return to me every night; exploring different positions and places. He taught me how to pleasure him but he always returned the favor. He would take me twice, three times a night, sometimes even in the middle of the night he would wake me so he could possess me again. I had become the sheikh's temporary favorite plaything.
As a commoner I had no place in the palace… just another woman in his harem. I exist only in his nights, when he would lose himself in me. I had free roam in the palace except in the men's quarter or offices and I was never seen with the sheikh in public.
A few days after we had first been taken to the palace, I had taken to helping out in the kitchen. I love the sweet smells and the work. As long as I returned to my room before he would, the sheikh never objected. Whilst in the kitchens I learned that my cousin, to my great relief, although rumor has it was the youngest to be taken into the harem was untouched and was said to be preserved for the sheikh's youngest brother, who was as yet very young, so I assumed she still had time.
As was tradition, the harem of women in the palace was the "property" of the Royal Family; and the sheikh was not the only man in that family.
My sojourns into the palace kitchens have not gone unnoticed. Although, as always, my hair was covered with my regular head dress, my wardrobe had changed. I wore the symbolic silk robes of the palace harem. Although, we are not really being labeled by our garments as with a uniform, it still became an unspoken mark of a harem woman.
The sheikh's younger brother as well as several male members of the royal family had taken notice of me, and had sought after me. Only as the sheikh's current toy, I was out of reach; but they bid their time. "He would tire of her soon" they said. Only he didn't, for weeks he continued to return to me every night; those nights in which we shared with each other more than our bodies but a piece of our souls. I grew to love him.
The men grew impatient. The prince, plotted to outsmart the sheikh. The sheikh was to go on a business trip in a relational talk with a neighboring nation. This left me alone and vulnerable.
I had never assumed any expectation from the sheikh himself. I knew my place, but as of late, as I grew to love him more, I started to grow hopeless. More so in the past few days when I had started to feel more fatigued than usual that it had limited my time in the kitchens. Like any regular woman, I had always thought that someday I would marry and have a family, but as of my current situation it seems that this was never going to happen. So whenever I was alone, in the hours I would wait for his highness in my room, I would ruminate on these thoughts; and on the few occasions he would not come I would lie in bed crying for the family I would never have.
It was during one of these depressive slumps that the prince had chosen to move on his plan. I was lying in bed crying silent tears, when the door opened. I quickly wiped away the tears for I knew the sheikh would not take well to a needy crying woman. Before I could stand to give a formal bow, as is usual greeting between men and women, arms came around my waist and as the corresponding body made contact with my back I knew immediately that this was not Rahim. Alarm bells rung loudly in my head. I started to immediately struggle to extricate myself from the stranger, but as his arms were already around me, he had the upper hand.
"Who are you? Let go of me." I exclaimed as I struggled to be free of the stranger's grasp. He flipped me unto my back and trapped my wrists above my head and pinned me down with the weight of his body. "Highness…" at last I saw who it was.
"Be quiet!"
"Please, highness… Don't…" I begged the prince as I saw the menacing glint in his eyes.
"Quiet, woman! You are a concubine of the royal family, you have no say in the matter." He exclaimed as he groped my body. He tried to plant a kiss on my lips but I evaded his attempts, which further enraged him. The next thing I knew I was tasting blood as his hard slap cut my lip.
"You think you're too good for anyone but him?" this time the blow was to my stomach; as I was already feeling rather weak, blackness started to creep around my vision and I knew I was about to lose consciousness. I tried to fight it off, fearing what he would do if I were to become helpless, but as the last vestiges of consciousness started to recede, the last thing I heard was his cruel laugh and his statement, "I will make it that he will never want to touch you again." Then I was lost.