The spaceship of another planet

The heroes boarded the ship and easily cut themselves a way in. They thought it was strange that nobody was attacking them after they broke onto their ship so they headed to the room where the pilot would be. The struggled to find the room and constantly kept opening doors to rooms they better not tinker with.

Eventually the entered and saw a man in all white stood calmly starring at the wall. He turned to them and said, "Good you're here. It's best we get you all somewhere I can explain your powers to you and have iyou see the planet you came from."

The man pressed a single button and then the traveled through space at crazy speeds until they arrived at Jupiter, "this is where you all belong."

"Where we belong? How come?" Simon asked.

"All humans with power has DNA from a former citizen of Jupiter who was either banished for a lack of unseen power in them or they moved to earth."

"So does everyone here have powers?" Came out of Olli's mouth.

"Yes tournaments take place very often so we can keep check of most and least powerful citizens!"

"FIGHTING! Yes please! Sign me up now!" Jay yelled, "I will take that tournament in a heartbeat!"

The man lead the team to a sign up board where each member wrote their name and then, since it was a team tournament, their team name. The Imparables.

"Before you all go fight let me finishing explaining."