The tournaments finale

"And now ladies and gentlemen this team tournament final will begin! Today we have the self named, Jupiter's best VERSUS The Imparables!

Out came our team, Jay, Simon and Olli all got battle ready whilst Tom sat down and began to meditate, slowly he began to float of the ground. The best on the other hand all looked battle ready they hand a huge man in heavy armour who looked like just as much as a brute as Jay, a wizard off sorts with very powerful spells, a man who was stood there hold a sword and shield that gave off a green glow, and finally the man in white who had strong elemental powers at hand and he has psychic powers.

The battle began and the brutes clashed the were a perfect match neither had an edge over the other and the kept fighting. The wizard decided to take on Plazman, this fight also stood at a standstill the wizard couldn't hurt Plazman but Plazman couldn't land a hit as the wizard used many magic portals to move around and block attacks. And Metal Man took on the shield wielding man and of course a standstill as the man couldn't land a hit on metal man as he was flying around however again metal man couldn't land a hit on the man as a giant shield with a stylish glow blocked every attack.

The man in white approached Tom and tried to punch Tom. BAM! the punch landed on Tom's check but he didn't show any sort of impact from that powerful hit. Punches kept hitting Tom of all sorts of elements, to no success, his psychic powers had no impact on Tom either. The man in white couldn't defeat Tom.

Tom eventually decided to stop meditating and unleashed power equal to the power he had been hit with on the opposing team and in one hit each the all fell down.

"And the WINNER of this weeks tournament is the new team, that just took out the former champions we have THE IMPARABLES our winners!" Was screamed by the announcer, the boys took the trophy and finally decided to head back to earth where they decided to build their own head quarters where they would train and better themselves for more Jupiter tournaments whilst also being on earth to stop any criminals there. The Imparables seemed to be unstoppable at this point until their leader, The Stone Ninja seemingly disappeared.