The strongest.

One night in the Imparables HQ they trained a lot, Jay was obviously just working on getting stronger as usual. Whilst improving his strength sparks flew out from him and he was transported to another realm where he saw a man who looked very weak.

"Don't be mistaken. I am stronger than you." Said the man in a deep voice.

"Are you sure mate, I'm so strong I just teleported here!" Responded Jay.

"I am sure, let me explain something to you quickly, after all that is why I brought you here. As you know from when Tom told you, he had the Death crystal inside him, well you have the Strength crystal inside you. It was in the orb when that entered you and that is what gave you unimaginable strength." He said.

"Oh in that case you must be called Strength then just like how there's Life and Death." Said Jay.

"Yes I am, I believe Tom and Lee also got to meet Time I don't think they realised though." Said Strength, "I thought that I should meet you so we could fight. So what do you say?"

"I say let's fight!" Said Jay excited to finally face a worthy opponent.

They clashed and immediately the fight was over they hit each other, shock waves traveled across the realm and left standing was Strength, "I hope you didn't expect to long of a fight as I have your strength in me. I have all of the strength in every universe." Strength claimed, "now however I will let you use all of my might but I don't recommend it as that would be fatal to the entire universe."

"Awesome! I will keep it in mind that I'm the strongest in my universe." Cheered Jay.

"Before you send him on his way I would like to speak to him." Said the most attractive girl jay had ever seen, see had blonde hair and eyes as blue as the sea and she wore the clothes of a goddess, "also I am Protection."

"Hello Protection. Why do you want to speak to me?" Said Jay nervously.

"As I need you to know that I exist and that my twin and I really love fighting each other, in fact out of the six of us crystals we are arguably the best in combat, Life and Death don't effect us and Space and Time are not necessary for us to fight. So back when the six of us clashed we would always be left at a standstill. But Death is always been the most powerful."

"Ok. Cool I guess. Am I now off back to Earth?" Jay responded, confused at why he was told that.

He awoke back in the training room like he had never left and he put his weights away and instead went to increase his skill in different fighting styles in order to become an unstoppable fighting god.