Millions of years ago

Olli awoke on top of a mountain still in earth.

"Right time to work out when I am." He said, "oh nether mind there's a dinosaur over there." Olli was somewhat scared despite knowing he could beat a dinosaur in a fight. "How am I going to get back to my time." Is all that he thought. He quickly ruled out waiting for the time to pass as that would take too long.

"I could hunt down the time crystal in the past!" He shouted as it entered his head, "from there I can just Time travel back!" The only problem with that plan is that he has no idea where the time crystal is and there's no one to ask about it. He decided he would search around the planet in hopes of he crystal being on it.

As he walked through a forever he heard loud thuds approach him. It was a T-Rex, Olli turned around to see the large beast stood behind him. "Oh god." He said paralysed in fear.

"I won't hurt you." The T-Rex said.

"Wait. My translator does dinosaur. That's awesome." Said Olli, "do you have a name?"

"Well yes, it's Tyrano." Said the T-Rex.

"I'm not going to lie to you, that is a odd name." Said Olli, "Why have you came to speak to me?"

"To see what you are." Said Tyrano, "I haven't seen one of you before."

"Oh I'm a human, I'm from the future."

"Oh the future is it good there?"

"Well all dinosaurs are dead in the future. They get killed by a meteor."

"Dead. All of us." Said Tyrano, "that doesn't sound good."

"It's not. But I've got to go so I can return to the future." Said Olli, "If you find a little crystal find me and tell me. I'm now going to go to another planet but might be back."

Olli then turned into a Plazmoid and headed to Jupiter.

When he arrived he saw the planet was still more advance than modern earth. He landed and was quickly surrounded by powerful heroes.

"Hey so I need to speak to the leader real quick." Olli said as he turned back into a human. He was quickly taken to the leader as this is Jupiter's first meeting with other life.

"Who are you?" Asked the leader who was hidden in darkness.

"I am a person from the future. I'm here to ask about potential methods of me being able to get back there."

"You want one of our time travelling watches that we have made illegal for safety reasons."

"Yes I need to get back there. The future isn't looking to good and I need to stop it."

"Why should I trust you."

"Because have you ever seen a Plazmoid that turns into a person before? No because Plazmoids likely don't exist yet!" Olli began to raise his voice, "look I need to go to the future. When I'm there I will return the watch to you."

"Fine take it," the leader said handing over a watch that a watch, "anything you want me to look out for in the future?"

"A meteor that is heading to earth soon. It will kill all the dinosaurs so I recommend to go there and check them out. There is one called Tyrano who I met and he was a chill Dino, I think you should bring him up here to see this place." Olli said as he activated his newly acquired time watch.