Descending into madness

Joe remained in the purple world and he slowly felt as if his body was getting taken over by it. He had been there for days, the purple has effectively ruined his suit of armour so he'll have to repair it if he gets out soon or make another set entirely. He felt his brain slowly lose its sense and become cruel, merciless and evil. He eyes slowly turned from blue to a dark purple and he too had a purple cloud around him just like everything else in this strange place.

"I can't handle this anymore. I can't." He said to the voices in his head, "Just leave me alone. Please."

The Imparables Curators were very curious about Joe's whereabouts as he is using a time machine so he shouldn't have been gone for long. Harry and Six were extremely worried for Joe and they hoped he would return soon. Oliver has finally left his corner of tears and had taken a leader role until Joe or Tom get back, Tom had stopped by once but all he did was ask Lee for the time crystal for a night then he gave it back. Tom had also went to Jay that same night and also borrowed his strength crystal. Tom didn't only stop at having Death, Time and strength however he also went and got Life, Space and Protection with some help from his new friend May.

"Well now he wait." Said Tom.

"We could use the time crystal to speed it up a little." Said May.

"How long have I been here?" Asked Joe as his descent into madness continued and he took off his broken suit, "It feels like forever. When I'm out of here I'm going to destroy any heroes that I come across." He said as his dark side came out to stay, "I feel like I can will my way out." Suddenly he made a purple cloud appear in the middle of the room but it costed him his memories, he didn't realise that however and he now was an evil killing machine and he walk through to the Imparables universe and found himself confronted by some unbreakable black fabric and a machine that weaves them into clothes. He made a completed body suit that covered up all of him, then for the eyes he saw some purple one way indestructible glass that he used for the eyes. As he went to put it on he saw that he was wearing a time watch so he turned it on and went to the start of time in that universe. He then left that universe and went to others using his newly found powers to kill any heroes. He found himself a little duo. One ice master (like Tom's stone just ice) and a water master (again like Tom) he confronted them and said, "Your days as heroes are over. Say goodbye." He then fought them to death and won.