Clyde’s fate

With the ball army gone forever the only thing the Imparable Curators has to do was repair the damage done by them. They put all their effort into fixing the buildings and help the families impacted. And before they knew it they were done.

After finishing they all went back to the base and prepared for anymore villains of that strength. Jay pushed his barrier of strength he used out a little more and he also improved his fire powers. Olli became slightly better at enabling his dark blue Plazmoid form. Lee trained along side Six and Harry to improve their reaction speeds and therefore increased their fighting skill. Tom left earth once again and went to his golden castle and sat upon his throne, not leaving it until he was once again needed.

A week or so later Clyde went to visit May and see how she was doing with his crystal however Damien's army were also going to see May to steal her unique crystal and to use it to enhance their power.

"May, how are you?" Called Clyde as he suddenly appeared in the golden palace.

"Clyde! I'm doing very good thank you. How have you been."

"Clyde? Are you the one that gave May the crystal of nature?" Asked Tom.

"I am indeed. My real name is Nature after all. I am good, May I have just came to check up on you." Replied Clyde.

"You shouldn't stay long, I have seen a destroyed universe in the future where nature is non-existent so if I am thinking correctly, you will die some day." Said Tom. Clyde looked over at Tom in disbelief and stated, "I am a god, how do I die? I don't believe such a thing. I can't believe it!" The army then came rushing through into the main room and began to unleash their rain onto Tom, May and Clyde. Ron, Damien's second in command was in the lead of the hoard and he set his eyes upon his prey, he would kill the random man who stood alongside the two heroes then he would fight them.

Tom and May put in very little effort to defeat what came their way but Clyde didn't fight. Ron and a few other where pounding him despite Clyde having a clear advantage, being a god, he could fight them, he never could fight, it was against his morals. But his morals would cost him his life soon and he stated to try and block attacks. However he was very overwhelmed and he began bleeding, he was on the floor in great pain and before they knew, Clyde was dead. Tom saw that and instantly made a long stone pole extend from his arm and swung it across the room knocking out the entire army. May ran to Clyde and let out her tears. For nature was over. All that remained of nature was the fragment she had within her, she could never restore the universes to how it was before however.

Back on earth the Imparable Curator saw the planet become filled with flames very quick if and the planet get torn to shreds.

"Guys to the Crystal!" Shouted Harry as he began running over to it. They all follow and had to jump over several splits in the ground the were filled with red hot magma.

They all got into the Crystal, Jay powered it up and they left. Olli looked at Jay and Lee then asked, "What do you think happened, did Tom do anything?"

"I don't know but he had told us about this from when he was in the future, we have to find him!" Said Jay as he slammed his foot hard on the pedal of the ship and they sped up.