
I'm sorry, real life events have made me unable to have the spare time to continue writing this novel. I'm leaving an outline of the future events that I had planned and anyone who wishes to write out an ending (whether using my outline or not), feel free to do so, just send me a message so I can see how you do it.


Godou, John Pluto Smith, and Shirou's court all win their fights (the identity of the Divine Ancestor that Sakura and Rider was fighting is Cleopatra/Isis (Egyptian god))

Turns out that the real plan was for a hypnotized Hikari Mariya to free Son Wukong (almost the same way as in light novel cannon)

Shirou returns and easily bests Son Wukong (gets god speed authority) but Guinevere escapes by using a body double (double is completely destroyed so everyone's guard is dropped)

Only problem is that Guinevere saw Saber by chance and immediately recognizes what is happening

Guinevere goes to ground until Lancelot is resummoned, then conducts a ritual to separate the King of the End from Saber

Ritual succeeds, leaving the King of the End weakened while Saber is all but falling apart

Pandora helps stabilize Saber but reveals that she will die if Shirou doesn't reconnect the divinity of the King of the End with Saber (i.e. he defeats the King of the End and gets an authority)

Shirou contacts all the Campione with a brief message: do not interfere

They all surprisingly comply

Shirou fights his way through the King of the End's followers alone before interrupting the ceremony to boost Rama's powers

Shirou and Rama speak with Rama calling all Campione monsters and questions why Shirou would stand against him with Shirou responding by calling him a hypocrite, pointing out how Rama has caused more damage himself than any single Campione in history and stating that he is fighting for the sake of someone dear to him

Epic fight, culminating with Shirou summoning UBW and eventually breaking the Sword of Divine Salvation using the countless blades

Rama speaks with Shirou as he fades away with Shirou pointing out that Rama embodied vengeance, not justice (justice prioritizes protection of the innocent over punishing the guilty with vengeance being the other way around) and Rama states that the next time he manifests he hopes that understands the difference

Rama leaves Shirou all his authorities with a parting piece of advice: don't make the same mistakes he did (sacrifice of his wife, the one who he sought to save in the first place; destruction of the land; not caring if innocents are caught up/collateral damage)

Happy ending, i.e. Saber recovers + celebration (really not sure how I was going to end this part)