Chapter 13: Toss and Serve

"So is it our turn to defend this time?" the unsure Gantes asked while positioning himself beside Yang.

"Yes, Gantes. Every team has three consecutive chances before the server switches to the opposing team. Normally, the team that first reaches 21 points will win. But, today we are short of time so the winning point is only 12 points. In case we get a tie score at 11-11, the winning point will be extended by three points." Yang explained while looking at Rino whispering with his teammates.

"Wow, you really are knowledgeable about this game Yang. Are you a former player before?"

Hearing Chiko's question, Yang smiled meaningfully.

"I have been watching countless people playing this game for a couple of years now. Considering my condition, I don't think I have the right to play this game publicly. Who knows I might turn wild someday. However, it was not enough for me to stop learning everything about this beautiful sport. Their rules, player styles, point system, and even the size and height of the court, all of them I have recited."

Then Yang stared at Chiko with an awkward but honest smile,

"To be honest, this is my first time actually playing this game too! So let's do our best!"

"Wow... You are amazing Yang."

Chiko replied in admiration while looking at Yang's sparkling eyes when talking about sepak takraw. He could tell just how much Yang truly loves sepak takraw and how eager he was.

"So you are basically that one stalker of this sport huh... creepy. I am getting hungry, when are they planning to start?" Gantes complained.

"Here it comes." Yang immediately warned.

John held the ball calmly inside a quarter-circle. Rino's instructions were clear, their first three services will aim to test the trio's reflex and capability. But the one they should be aware of the most was Yang the school Janitor.

"Come." Rino waved his hand and John immediately threw the ball towards Rino.



Rino's first serve was aimed towards Yang. The ball speedily flew over the net safely and almost landed before Yang when the latter quickly reacted and checked the ball with an inside kick - the basic control kick in sepak takraw where one uses the inside of his feet to control the ball.

"I got it!" Yang, gladly exclaimed before he realized that the ball did not bounce towards the direction he expected.

"Nice try newb." Rino laughed as he watched the ball flew away towards the backside of Yang.

"What?! I thought you got it?" Chiko asked bewildered.

"That was harder than I thought," Yang mumbled to himself. It was his first time receiving a spike serve from a real experienced player. The ball felt heavy for a while and there was a weird exciting sensation for him. He picked up the ball and made it roll towards Rino's side.

"It was the spinning effect. I saw it." Gantes frowned as he tried to analyze what went wrong. Yang looked at him and nodded in agreement.

Chiko also confirmed, "I agree. The throw was just another normal toss but that Tekong guy made a weird rotation using his sole before hitting the ball. It was the same principle where you hit the side of the ball to make it spin faster and the moment we try to defend against it, the ball will just spin away against our expected trajectory."

"It was amazing. I really thought I had successfully controlled it but it was like a slippery eel. I might need to adjust my feet position and direction next time."

"Good idea!" Chiko exclaimed excitedly.

Seeing Chiko's team being amazed by a simple spinning serve, Rino could not help but laugh arrogantly before shouting,

"Hahaha! Nice try analyzing newbs! Unfortunately, a spinning serve is just a basic skill for us experienced players. You are still five hundred sacks of rice away before you can fully stand against us."

It was an absolutely easy ace-serve for them. The current score is tied to 2-2. Rino and his team are confident that they can shatter Yang and his team's hope.

Then Rino looked at John before signaling him for another toss. John immediately complied and did so.

"It's coming!" Yang beckoned as he watched Rino performed another spike serve.


With another impactful spike serve, Rino sent the ball toward Chiko's direction.

"Mine!" Chiko said as he hurriedly adjusted his position. With quick reflex, he tried to stop the ball with his right foot only to realize that he can't reach it well. It turns out that Rino was aiming for his side of his left leg!

"Darn it." As a right-footed person, Chiko found it difficult to reach the ball.


Behind Chiko, Yang also tried his best to catch the ball with a sliding foot but he was too late.

"That's another confirmed hole. hehe." Rino smirked with his team as they watched the flustered Chiko and Yang.

"I'm sorry guys." Chiko gloomily said.

"You know Chiko, you could have adjusted properly and used your left thigh to stop that kind of attack instead of forcibly using your right foot." Yang quickly advised while smiling.

"Oh, I see. If I do that... Then this..and. Oh!" Chiko cheerfully replied while shadow acting his supposed response to the previous serve.

"Yup that's right. Other than your thigh, you can also use your chest, tummy, and even your head. As long as you don't use your hand, it is safe." Yang nodded while smiling as he watched Chiko acting like a child.

"That's noted, sir!" Chiko happily replied and they all went to prepare for the next incoming serve.

The current score is now 3 against 2 in favor of Rino's team. Rino confidently nodded at John and the latter immediately tossed the ball.


With a stronger spike serve, Rino smiled wickedly towards Gantes.

This time, the ball flew a little bit higher and went exactly towards Gantes' direction. To be exact, it was aimed at Gante's face.

Upon seeing the initial trajectory, Yang quickly realized the result and beckoned,

"Gantes don't touch the ball! It is going outside!"

Unfortunately, Yang's advice was too late. Seeing that it was purposely aimed at his face, Gantes violently punched the incoming ball with his huge right fist.


"YOU BASTARD!" Gantes shouted angrily.


And as expected, Rino and his team just laughed at Gante's reaction.

"So you chose pain huh..." with a steaming head of anger, Gantes was about to charge towards Rino and his team when Chiko and Yang hurriedly grabbed him back in place.

"What do you think are you doing?" Chiko told the angered Gantes while holding his huge left hand.

"Let me go! I'm gonna teach those bastards a lesson! How dare they aimed at my face!" Gantes angrily replied while staring at the laughing Rino. The more he hears their mocking laughter, the angrier he gets.

There was not an ounce of fear in Rino's face knowing that the game will be stopped and they will automatically win in case Gantes attacked personally.

"And then what? After you punch him, then what? Not only will you potentially land in jail but also our only chance for the scholarship will be ruined. Please do not forget that not only your pride is at stake here but our future as well. Not to mention the monthly allowance and unlimited samgyupsal you dreamed of will disappear, but so is Yang's job as the school's janitor!" Chiko hurriedly explained in a calm manner.

"Please don't do this. Let's show them sportsmanship. Even though they are assholes. I want my first, and could probably be my last sepak takraw game, a fun memory if possible." Yang also added. There was a deep sadness between his words and his eyes.

Gantes looked at Yang's saddened eyes and he realized something. His temper started to calm down.

"Gantes, please. Think for other's sake, not just for yourself. Even for just this time." Chiko pleaded while not letting go of Gante's arm.

Seeing Chiko holding him back, Gantes was reminded of a certain person from his past.

He could still recall the gentle and understanding eyes of the policeman. His tight grip, not willing to let him go unless he promised to change. He was the main reason why Gantes is trying his best to fix himself. From a street-dwelling drug addict and purse snatcher to a college student looking forward to a positive future.

And his last words before they separated were the exact words that Chiko said just now.

Gantes stood in place for a while before he completely calmed down. A deep sigh followed his next resolution.

"Alright then. No fighting from now on." Gante's previous glaring eyes are now filled with gentleness.

"For my new friends and teammates, I will do my best to be as calm as possible from now on." He added before looking at Chiko and Yang.

"Happy now?"


"Hehe. Now let's win this game and get our scholarship."

The score is currently 4 against 2 in favor of Rino's team. With their weaknesses slowly being exposed, Yang was contemplating how to win.

"Alright to our position guys, we can do this!" Yang cheered the team with as much energy as possible.

"But to be honest, I don't see us winning today." Gantes frankly said as he picked up the ball and tossed it towards Chiko. It was their turn to serve this time.

"I think, taking on the more experienced players without prior knowledge of this sport was a really bad idea. Not to mentioned you are paired with a fatass like me." Gantes added while scratching his head awkwardly.

Yang heard him and was silently agreeing. But Chiko's eyes remained calm and hopeful.

"The way I see it. Let's just enjoy this moment and do our best. Who knows? A miracle might just happen." Chiko smiled enthusiastically and looked at Yang.

"Are you ready?" Chiko smiled meaningfully.