Chapter 78: Sudden Win

"Darn it!" Sally gritted his teeth after failing to stop Mark's attack.

What really got to his nerves was not the point the attack made, but the cocky face of the fatty baldy from the other side.

Not to mention, for the latter to confidently declared that they will win this match was nothing but an utter BS for him.

"Let me see you do that again." Sally suddenly shouted, provoking Mark to execute the attack again.

Hearing his shout, Mark sneered inwardly before replying,

"Are you sure? You might lose if I keep doing that you know."

His reply caused more furious shouts from the audience side which was something he basically expected.

Insulted, Sally decided to sarcastically laugh instead,

"You sure do know how to troll people. Come on. Give me your best shot. Let me show you the big difference between a Sepak Takraw veteran and a dreaming cocky baldy!"