Xeal washes the dishes slowly as her body still in recuperating state. She daps her hand on the kitchen towel and walks towards the living room. there she sees Niklas just sitting in front of his table still working. That the image that he portrayed the first time Xeal see him. But the one that treats her during breakfast time is like a totally different person. She takes a site on the long armchair beside the long cushion that Niklas sit. As she sits Niklas shut down his tablet and clear up his throat. Miss Xeal I hope my explanation will not make your body state even worse. Thus I also hope that all the question will refrain until I finish telling what happened. Xeal nodded. I am sorry that I shock you terribly I just want to give back your water but never I aspect that you scream. It is a careless action of me not to call out you first although I don't really know that it is you at that time. All I do is taken you into your house and called my friends and make him examine you. I can obtain the CCTV record if you want to. I do not try to prove my innocence but I just want to justify what happened that night. Xeal seems to be lost in thought while Niklas try to straighten things out. But the only things she notices is that he did not wear the earing anymore but the piercing hole is still there. Miss Xeal are you listening to me? Xeal realised that she has been suck deep in the black hole of her thought. She comes back to reality and just giving a thoughtful appreciation for what Niklas did. She never replies or gives a further explains why she behaves like that. All she said that she just a scaredy cat that night and maybe her reaction is to overwhelm.