Unveil His past : Part 1

Alarm ringing and two-person still wrangling in their bed under the blanket. Both of them are struggling to wake up. Suddenly someone yanks of their blanket and scream. Wake up, you both sleepyheads! We need to go to class. Luther smiles while still holding Niklas and Damian blankets. LB it just only half-past seven the class starts at nine. Complained Damian while he stroking his hair. Niklas still in a daze and a little bit cold as the blanket it was taken from him. No, we are going to have a full course breakfast this morning right. Both of you have promised me to go there yesterday. Plus the breakfast time at the shop is limited as it starts at six in the morning until ten only. We all have class at Nine so it impossible to eat there and go to class after that. It almost forty-five minutes drive. So come on. Get your ass off your bed. Niklas is still struggling to open his eyes. He tries to reach for his towel and slippers. Still, in a bit sleepy state, he walks to the bathroom door. But he is a little bit late as Damian sprint into it while saying, I need to pee ASAP. So I will wash up first. Niklas is known to be indifferent. But let me take my toothbrush and some toothpaste. I just want to them only. Damian let him take it and slammed the door quickly. Niklas go to the kitchen and brush his teeth while standing and closing his eyes. Hey, Nikki please do not fall into the sink ok. Wake up already. Luther high pitch voice roams the room as he advises, Niklas. Luther still standing with the blankets folds them up and tidy up the both of the beds. Niklas already seem to be awake walking pass him. Thanks, mum. While smiling towards Luther. Just shut up Nikki, I'm not your mother but a responsible man who always tidied up his bed after waking up. Aye aye, sir Black. Niklas pass him another time while his hand in saluting posed as to mimic Luther's father who is a General in the army. Luther just smiles and try to kick his butt.