No longer exist

Xeal is crying hard and painful and being drag down on the stairs. Still sobbing she plead to Luther. Please release me. I will never ever go to Father or approach your family anymore just, please release me. No honey cannot do that. You will be with me tonight. She being drag into Luther room near the kitchen. Let sleep here tonight, shall we? No please, please don't do this to me. Oh no dear I am not doing anything to you we just will be sleeping together. But before that, I will have a drink, there is some wine that I bring here to celebrate and welcome you as a new family member. Xeal being tied up to the bed once again. While she struggling to free her self, while Luther tying her make him become irritated by her movement. Please stay still honey or it will hurt you. No, better release me, I am an idiot you believe a scum like you will be my family. Scum you say dear no, please don't say that vulgar words. I am not you dear your freaking scum release me !! Hearing that make Luther turn brick red as he suppressing his anger. Release me you fucking jerk. Pang !! Luther slap Xeal faces after her abusive word to him. The slap is so hard and it makes her faint as she already drains out from crying and struggling to get away from Luther. He continues to tie her and goes to the kitchen. He drinks all of the wine and laying drunk on the sofa. Its almost midnight as Luther finally awake as he fell asleep earlier. Still not sober he goes into his bedroom. The blurry and hazy vision make him didn't realize Xeal in on his bed. He strips his clothing climb on the bed. Xeal feeling somebody rummaging her body and kissing her neck. Fully Awake she saw Luther naked and already strip all her cloth. Luther what are you doing, please, please, please !!! Stop it !!! But all the struggling and screaming cannot sober up him. Oh, honey please scream more I like hearing your screaming..... That night he rapes her without mercy as she struggles and faints twice while he is ravaging her. That night she knows that the nice Luther no longer exist.