Am I happy with all this?

Niklas then walk beside her mom. The tears still dripping from her eyes. He just stood still there waiting for the call to end. Clara brushes off the tears from her cheek. She smiles again then put the phone on the table. Still smiling she hugs Niklas who is by her side. Nikki, she finally awake and we can visit her this evening. Good to hear that mother, Niklas also hugging his mother while patting her mother back. Mr. Louis who is just descending from the stairs finds out the two of them hugging each other. Are there anythings that I should know Clara? The obvious white teeth from her mouth as she smiling more apparent as she broke the news to her husband. Oh my God, thank goodness, we shall go then this evening, Louis smiling to his wife and hugging her and then both of them walk side-by-side towards the dining table. Leaving behind Niklas by the table. Niklas just smirking a little. His feeling about this is fuzzy. Does he feels happy or this feeling is something else. Or is this something that bound to happen. Only times can tell. Nikki lets have breakfast together, your mother will make the pancake today. Hearing that Niklas fasten his step towards the table. For his mother to make the pancake it means that everything is back to how it always been in the family. A happy one as it should be. They eat breakfast and continue chatting like it always be. Nikki finally feels relive that his family when back to normal. Oh ya, Nikki, do you want to join us this evening to the hospital? I think I will pass mom. Both of you should go there. I will stay as watch the house. Alright then if you said that. Mrs. Clara still smiling and never-ending feeling excited about the news. After breakfast Niklas when back to his room to finish some of his schools work. While Mrs. Clara doing household work and Mr. Louis in his study writing a few documents. The whole house is not to quiet. The radio is turned on and jazzy melody filled the rooms. Something that is normal things to do every day in the household until the incident. Time flies and a soft knock is applied on Niklas door. Nikki are you busy? No mother you can come in. Niklas still seating on his study table just turn his body toward the door. I just want to inform you that we will go to the hospital a little bit earlier as the police request us to be there in the afternoon. I hope you can mend your lunch then. Its okay mom I will be fine. Just go and settle the things okay, The radiance smiling face of her son as he reassured her make her smile. She then closes the door and continues what she left. Niklas continues his work until he realizes that familiar sound of his stomach. Walking down, he thinks about somethings, his mother seem to be affectionate more to the young woman. It not that he feels jealous but there is something that filled his heart. Does he feel alright with all of this happen? What really this feeling is all about? A sudden phone call starlet him. Without any hesitation, he takes the call. Hello mom, how everything? Oh, Nikki. There is a little stuttering sound from his mother voice. What happened, mom? No, it just that the young woman is awake but she seems to lose all her memory and does not remember anything even her name, the doctor still checking her up, so we will be back a little late so she will stay a few days more here for further check-up. But I already discuss with the doctor and the police that. That I will take her home with us. I just want to know your opinion, Nikki. Are you okay with this? Niklas lost in a moment, how does he feel about it? he really does not know. But one thing he knew is that he feels uneasy about this whole set up. That is the truth that he never has spoken up to. Its alright mother you can bring her back here.