The Sword

'You're just somebody from my past... So let it be.'

Bai He Lian


"So what do you want from me?"

"Your heart."


I know this is not just a simple 'heart'. He is a demon. What can I expect from him? Even he has loved. It's not for me or anyone else.

"Stop kidding me."

"No. I am so serious. I want your heart."

He stares at me like he wants to eat me at the same time. I'm still scared but I can do nothing.

"Alright. You can go back to your home whenever you want."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, of course."

Immediately, I stood up and started to run to get out of this place. I just want to sleep in my apartment. That simple thing, right? I tried to calm myself first, then walking slowly to open the main door.


Did he stop me? Oh my... Can he let me free without fear? Why is he so mean to me? I can't move my step even a bit. He approaches me then kisses my lip and makes my back feel like burning in my skin. Why does he do that? What did he do to me?

"Now, you know that you're mine. Don't ever think of running away."

"Let me know what I should do so you can set me free!" I am so annoyed and scared at the same time. He threatens me.

"I will never let you go. Oh yeah... I will give your gift. Now, you can come back home."

Then I can move my feet freely. Does he give me his spell or what? At the same time, my bosom feels so sore, but I don't want to pass out here. I must arrive at my apartment soon.

I manage to walk forward and bear the sore that I feel. I don't know how, but when I opened his main door, I arrived in my own bedroom. I choose to lay my body on the bed and close my eyes. Later the sore will disappear.

"Bai He Lian! Open your eyes!"

"Xu Feng?" I touch his cheek then I realize he is not Xu Feng. He is Xia De Ming. "Xia De Ming, why are you here?" How can he enter my apartment?

"Did he do something to you?" He asked.

I saw his worried face. Why does Xia De Ming care about me? He has helped me a lot since I met Chen Sheng Lin. He grabs my right palm, there is a scar mark remaining.

"He has taken your blood, right?!" Xia De Ming looks so emotional. His face was reddish.

"Taken my blood? Xia De Ming, tell me if I'm just dreaming. You do not exist. He wasn't real. Tell me that I just had a nightmare."

I almost cry but I hold out. I am not that weak. I must be stronger.

"Bai He Lian. You are too exhausted. You can sleep and I will be accompanying you here."

I can see his sincerity in his eyes. I just want to forget these days. That's all.

"Xia De Ming, I don't know what's going on here. I can't let you come near. I don't know who you really are like Chen Sheng Lin. I don't know the real both of you."

"But it doesn't mean that I will hurt you." Xia De Ming answered.

"I can't trust anyone now."

"But let me accompany you for now. I can't let you alone now."

"You shouldn't care about me."

"Bai He Lian, don't forget I will be waiting for you at the office by tomorrow. Don't be late."

What is he just talking about right now? He gives me my job again? This is the gift that is Chen Sheng Lin talking about? But Xia De Ming has fired me then now he wants me working with him again?


I grabbed his hair. He tries to ungrabbed his hair from my palm but useless. So, he just let me do whatever I want to appease my anger. I was crying out, but he just keeps quiet. Then I just remember the same as Chen Sheng Lin. I am shocked.

"I am sorry." I released Xia De Ming. "I forgot that you can kill me." I was nervous. "So why did you keep me alive?"

Xia De Ming was laughing. I don't understand why he was laughing.

"I don't know why I didn't kill you." His answer makes me shudder.

"So, do you want to kill me now?" I asked him.

"No. Just take a rest now."

"But I can't sleep now."

Knock... Knock... Knock

I was about to open the door, but Xia De Ming forbids me.

"Stay here." He ordered with his low tune.

"No. I will follow you."

So, Xia De Ming let me follow him. He opens my apartment door.

"Bai He Lian."

"Xu Feng?"

I was startled when I saw Xu Feng standing in front of me. He looked so confused when saw Xia De Ming standing beside me.

I don't know what I should say to Xu Feng. He looks so terrible. How can I get angry at him since his condition is like this? Why is my heart so weak?

"Bai He Lian, I am sorry."


Xu Feng looks so calm and without hesitation or guilt.

"Now, can we stop pretending that we never met each other?"

"Give me the reason why you say sorry if you came here to break my heart again?" I asked. I need an explanation from Xu Feng. "Why do you have to date Xiao Tian? She was my best friend. We did a double date as well. How could you?!"

"I have loved you before, but not anymore! You didn't love me after all! Bai He Lian, have you ever thought of me as a man? I don't want to date a kid! Have you ever kissed me?!" Xu Feng looks so emotional. I never saw such an expression from him. He never talked with this tone before.

This fact makes me feel so terrible.

"Xu Feng, you can date anyone except her! She is my best friend!"

"But only Xiao Tian can give me what I need the most!"

I froze.

"That's good. So why do you have to come here!"

"I need more money so even I have to sell my pride for Xiao Tian. It doesn't matter."

"What are you talking about?"

"Xiao Tian is pregnant and I need money. He offers me a lot of money if you forgive me. I love her so please give me..."

"Stop! I will hear nothing from you! Do whatever you want and leave me!"

"Okay, so when you will tell your boyfriend to transfer the money."


"Your white hair boyfriend."

"What?! Please leave me now." I don't know what I feel right now. I do feel disappointed, anger, hate and love when I saw Xu Feng standing in front of me.

Soon my bosom becomes sore like something penetrating inside. I try to hold but see Xu Feng turn around is same as torture. I do love him then the pain becomes more real.


"Bai He Lian!" Xia De Ming called me.

"Young master Xia. Let our prince take care of Miss Bai."

Mei Hua's presence startled me, then Chen Sheng Lin came after her. Now, his face looks so cool with his white hair. I cannot decide if that white or silver, I just knew that he has gorgeous hair. He embraces me without any hesitation as usual then carries me in bridal style.

"Xia De Ming don't ever approach her anymore if you don't want her being hurt. Mei Hua, please make some arrangements for Mr. Xu Feng."


The pain still agonizes me. I can't see him anymore. I am just a kid for him. Xu Feng never touches me. He said he loved me once but now he isn't. He is always polite but now he shows me who is the real him.

Chen Sheng Lin brings me into my bedroom, but I don't know why it ended in his classic bedroom again. He put my body to his bed. The pain is like a sword penetrating my heart. This time like a dream when I see a real sword piercing my heart.

I saw Chen Sheng Lin hurrying open my shirt with his two hands and making my shirt teared up into two pieces. I cannot think about the shame because the sword is more scared than shame itself.

"Xiao Er!"

Chen Sheng Lin's face looks so terrible. I can see his fear and worries. He called a name. XIAO ER. He touches the sword then it becomes red smoke in the air then entering his skin. I am so amazed by that scene, but I do nothing. My energy ran out. The pain gradually disappears.

He embraces me tightly in his chest until I can hear his heartbeat clearly. He is not a ghost. He is still alive. He is a human too. I try to stay away from him since this pose is too intimate, but I don't have any strength remaining in my body. What has he done to me exactly?