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The Red Eyes (2)

'You are my agony yet the sweetest thing in this curse.'

Bai He Lian


Only both of us in this place even I don't know what I should do because I cannot see the young master that they had mentioned before. This white hair man with blindfolded is weird also but from his appearance, I think he is a good person. He doesn't ask me something that makes me uncomfortable but I am still curious about him.

"What is your name?" I asked but he got a cough again. What?! Even I cannot know his name? What kind of these people? "I can understand…so…" I don't know what I should say.

"So tell me what is your name?" He asked me but this time, I am the one who got a cough. Oh…God!!! They prohibit us from telling our name? It's insane!!!

"I think they don't want you to tell me about your name."

"Yes. But I don't understand …why?"

"I don't know either, so don't ask me. Why don't you ask them?" He said.

"I want it! But…She is too scary! I don't want to die. I am still young and I want to do a lot of things."

"Wait…I will tell you something." He whispered in my left ear. "You have to be careful because the young master that they mentioned before is a demon who can kill anyone."


After hearing his words, my legs become numb and I don't know how to support my body anymore. I am falling on the ground. I cannot feel the pain anymore. I don't understand. This white hair man with blindfolded is angel or demon. Why does he make me afraid? Is he telling me the truth or he is joking? In this situation, I really don't know who I can trust. But why am I talking with him?

"Hey! What is going on?" He asked while his arms helped me to stand again. " I am sorry. I don't have any intention to make you scared."

How come he said that he doesn't have any intention? I can see his smirk framed on his thin lips. Why do I have to be here? Oh…God!!! I am so frustrated here and still don't know how to survive but he smiled in front of me.

"Miss, I think you think too much about this matter."

"How can I feel calm in this situation? Please tell me! They brought me here and made me scared. I want to go home but I can't and you cannot help me either!"

I think I want to explode right now! I am really exhausted! I just want to sleep. Can they give me time to sleep? I want to eat also. I am hungry!

"Alright." He said as raise his left arm and a few seconds later four girls came with a tray full of foods and fruits on their palms. They arrange it all on the rock table beside that white hair man. For a few seconds I am stunned with a lot of food in front of me. But how can he know that I want to eat right now? I stared at him who made a gesture as if to let me sit in front of him. "Don't you want to eat?" He asked me.

"Yes, I am but how do you know that I want to eat?"

"That is so easy to guess. You must be tired after a long trip from your place. This place is in the forest so it's normal if you feel so hungry." He explained.

"What do you say? Long trip? But why can't I feel it?"

"I don't want to say anything. You can ask someone who brought you here."

"Her name is…"

I want to tell him her name but at times, I cannot take a breath like there is something suffocating me. I am so scared until that man touches my wrist. I am so confused and put my palms on my neck and try my best to take the air and bring it in my lungs.

"Don't worry…you don't need to tell me." He said while bringing me a cup of water. I grab the water cup and drink it soon. I am totally shocked because I never feel this way. What has she done to me? "I think you can eat the food and after that you can go to sleep." He said.

I looked around but just darkness, bamboo trees and lotus pond so tell me where I can sleep?

"Why? Tell me if there is on your mind?" He asked me.


"Tell me how can I get home?"

He takes a deep breath before responding to me.

"I don't want to tell you."

"Why? I can do anything for you as long as you can tell me the way back home."

"I cannot trust you."


"How come I trust someone that I don't know her name?"

I have to admit what he said is on point. I can understand but I really want to go home soon.

"Miss, look at this food." He said while pointing to the food on the rock table. "Don't you feel pity if we don't eat it?"

What he said is true. I am so hungry. I don't want to die here as well and there is food in front of us. I think we have to have dinner, right? By the way…this place is quite good also if I am not trapped in this way.

"Did they poison this food?"

"Ah..ah..ah…If you don't want to eat just don't eat." He shows his annoyed face. "I don't know what time they will bring the next food for us."

His words make me grab a bowl of rice and chopsticks in front of me then take meat, egg, spinach, I don't know what I take…as long as I can eat. I have to survive in this place no matter what! I want to show her that she can take me down but I will arise again! Wait…but is her name? I try to recall her name one more time but I really don't remember. Did she erase my memory as well? Whoaaaaa!!!! This person is scary indeed.

"Hey! If you don't want to die, eat slowly. You can kill yourself with eat like that way."

I don't care, I just want to get the food inside my stomach. Also the food is delicious. I ate it all until I couldn't move. After I finished the food, four maids came again to clean the table.

"Are you alright, Miss?" He asked me.

"Uhm…I am okay. I just want to sleep."

"Then you can go to sleep."

"Where can I sleep in this place?"

"Just sleep wherever you want. I will make sure there is no one who will disturb you."

"Uhm… hey…Please tell me if the young master comes?"


"I will fight with him!"

"Are you sure?"

"Why?! Don't you trust me? Oh…I forget…you don't trust me."

"That's good if you know that."

"So if you cannot tell me your name please tell me what I should call you?" I asked.

"Call me…Hong Yan Jing."

I cannot hear him anymore because I am so sleepy. My eyelids feel so heavy and don't want to open anymore so I close my eyes, surrender myself to this nightmare even deep down in my heart, I really wish that I can come back home but is it possible?
