WebNovelRed Dust17.50%

Frozen (1)

There is a man who crave his agony in his frozen heart

Hiding all things in mystery.

Chen Sheng Lin


Hong Yan Jing makes me so nervous when his onyx eyes stare at me like no one in his world except me…Wait? What is it? How could he give me an impact like this?

He still holds my hand along the way and I follow him even though I don't know where is the place we are going to.

I've dated Xu Feng before but why can't I recall anything about him? Walking together with Hong Yan Jing feels like this is my first time to walk with a man.

"Hong Yan Jing…" I called his name.

"Uhm…we will go to my place."


Hong Yan Jing looked into my eyes. Our eyes meet.


He shows me a big rock in front of us. Why I don't remember when we are walking heading to this place. A few seconds ago, I just saw a thick haze and now we are in front of a big rock in an unknown forest. Oh…God how many secret places that he has?

"Where is it?" I asked him confusedly. "Do you want to kill me here?"

"Why are you thinking that I will kill you?" He asked me back.

"Aren't you a demon?"

"Am I?"

I ignore his gaze and look into another direction. I can see nothing except darkness as bright moonlight shines on us. Accidentally, our eyes meet. There is something that I cannot understand when I see his eyes because there is pain over there. The pain that I cannot describe it into a word. I know …Hong Yan Jing still gives me a smile but why do I feel his eyes are sorrowful? Is it just my feelings? I try to ignore this feel but cannot.

At that time, I don't know why I put my palm on his cheek. I think…I am stupid because the touched make Hong Yan Jing grabs my palm into his grip tightly.

"What are you doing?" He asked me with a serious facial expression. His grip almost broke my wrist.

"Ah!" I am screaming as I feel so hurt.

"I am sorry." He said as he let my wrist free but he still held my hand.

To be honest, Hong Yan Jing always gives me a lot of emotional experiences. He can make me feel sad, fearful, confused and happy. Even now…I don't understand why I have to meet him? Sometimes I can feel that he has resentment towards me but why? Did I do something to him? But when? I never met him before and what can I do for him as I am just ordinary woman? I don't have superpower, magic or witchcraft so how can I make him hurt?

Hong Yan Jing looks at the big rock with a sharp gaze while raise his right palm as he hold my palm in his left palm. The big rock is moving then it is divided into two parts as if formed into a way to another secret place.

"Where is it?"

"The place where the Young Master slept."


My instinct says there is something fishy here and now I want to go or disappear but I cannot as he holds my hand.

"Can I go home?" I asked him.

"Why? Don't you want to meet the Young Master?"

"I don't want to meet him anymore."

Hong Yan Jing looks into my eyes as his right palm caresses my jaw and his left palm now caresses my arms then wraps my waist as he draws me closer until I can feel his cold breath touch my left ear.

"Don't worry. Young Master cannot kill you." He whispered on my left ear gently. "And…Now… He needs you."

"What?! Hong Yan Jing, what do you mean?"

I cannot hide my confusion in front of him. He whispered to me as if he wanted to send me into hell. Does he want to torment me? The concept about Young Master that they often mentioned makes me curious and scared at the same time but I think Hong Yan Jing's aura is totally different. He makes me afraid.

"Why we are not get in first?"

"Hong Yan Jing tell me what are you going to do?!" I shouted at him. My feeling is like a roller coaster right now and only Hong Yan Jing can make me like this.

I see right then turned to the left but I see no one here. I am in an unknown forest. Even I don't know if he brings me into the same forest as before or this place is different?

"Hong Yan Jing! Let me go!" I shouted out loud even though I realized no one here. "I don't want to be here!"

"We had made a bond already so how can you betray our bond?" Hong Yan Jing looks at me as his onyx eyes change into crimson colour. I am shocked because I never saw someone in this world have crimson eyes colour before. "Why?"

"Hong Yan Jing, what are you?!" I am screaming as I try my best to break free from his grip. "Let me go! Let me go!" I am so scared. I bite his wrist until he lets my wrist go but he doesn't look hurt or pain, I see his evil smirk instead.

At this point, I know…Hong Yan Jing is a devil.

I am running away from him. I want to go back home soon. I don't want to meet him anymore. I don't want to be involved with them anymore. Enough! I hope this nightmare will end soon.

'Bai He Lian! This must have happened in your nightmare!' I said to myself as I kept running from him.

'You will never be able to escape from your responsibilities.'


I can hear Hong Yan Jing's voice in my head. This demon is so evil. He mentioned responsibilities but what I did to him? As I told before…I have never met him before!

I keep running until there is a long crimson fabric wrapping my waist then pulling my body back. I try my best to run but the crimson fabric that tied my waist is so tight. My body moves backward just in a few seconds in standing position. My hands try to grab everything around me but there is nothing surrounding me except the air.

"No! Hong Yan Jing! Let me go! Let me go!"

And…in another seconds… Hong Yan Jing's right arm on my waist and his left arm wrap my shoulder. My arms cannot move and just hit his arm lightly with this position.

"Hong Yan Jing! Let me go!"

"I don't want…"

His cold breath touches my left ear as our cheeks meet. His skin is so cold like there is no blood in his vein. Is he a vampire? If he is really a vampire why hasn't he sucked my blood since first met?

"You are mine…and always mine. This time I will make sure that you will pay for every single sin that you have done to him!"

"Hong…Yan Jing…please don't be kidding. I am so scared right now!"

To be honest…I still hope this is just Hong Yan Jing's joke but my instinct said …Hong Yan Jing is really a demon. He wants to do something to me. I cannot see his facial expression right now and I don't know what he is going to do. All is in uncertainty and makes me so depressed.

"What can I do? Tonight the Young Master needs you and…as his slave…don't you have to give your hands to help him?"

"What?! Hong Yan Jing …I've told you that I don't want to!" I struggle to get free from his confinement. "Let me go."


At this time I hope I can kill this demon but I am curious why Hong Yan Jing doesn't like the men who wanted raped me? Those men had died after they'd touched me but why was Hong Yan Jing still alright? Even Luo Fei Yang was afraid of me at that time. Is it because Hong Yan Jing is not human?

"Hong Yan Jing…tell me what do you want?" I asked with a trembling voice as my heart was beating faster.

"I will make sure…you cannot escape from your responsibility. If in the past you could have cheated Young Master but this time…you will never cheat him again."

"Cheat?! When?!" I take a deep breath. I want to turn around but I cannot. "Okay…how if we can talk nicely, right? Hong Yan Jing, you must be tired, right? How if you take a rest and tomorrow we can talk again?" I give suggest and he makes me scared more when I hear him laugh. "Hong Yan Jing, calm down."

"I think you have to meet the Young Master first because he needs you tonight and we can talk again after you do your job."


Hong Yan Jing looks like hate me because right now in his arms, he brings me in between two parts of separated rocks.

Oh…God…What's going to happen next?