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Iridescent (3)

To start over is not just a simple words.



"Chen Sheng Lin, I still have to working." I said to him while keep working. He has to know that he cannot order me as he wants. I have my own life and he cannot treat me like his slave. Let's say I don't want to be his slave. I don't want to live under his order.

"Alright. I will waiting for you." He said before sitting on a chair.


This is so weird. How come this demon become so cute like this? How come he makes me so confused with his mood. He come here and just pop up in front of me. What is his real intention? Is he want to make me insane? Or what? I can't understand him. How can he says that he is my husband? I am sure that I never marry him.

"Bai He Lian, why do you looked so startled?" A Lin asked me again confusedly.

"Nothing. I am fine, then I will working."


I keep working as usual but I am so amazed because even Hong Yan Jing is not here but still a lot of girls visit this café at night and this time because of Chen Sheng Lin. I have to admit that Chen Sheng Lin is a handsome man indeed. He come with his long silver hair. I think his appearance is little bit weird because I never meet a man who has a long hair except him.

I see some girls take a photo of him and Chen Sheng Lin is not feel disturbing at all but later they said if their battery is very low so their cellphone cannot take Chen Sheng Lin's photo. I think this is so weird, how can four girls can have the same problem on their cellphone? It's impossible, right?

I just looked at Chen Sheng Lin from a far. To be honest, I feel so afraid right now because Chen Sheng I can act so kind in front of those people but in front of me, he shows his fang. I realize there is something weird on them but I can't explain it.

Time just passes and I still don't know how to avoid Chen Sheng Lin. Is he wants to kill me? But I don't think so. If Chen Sheng Lin is really wants to kill me then he will kill me long time ago, right? So why Chen Sheng Lin meets me in this place and follows me like a ghost? Can he sets me free?

A Lin just leave this place and he leave me with Chen Sheng Lin. That weird man is looked like a common person but I know that he doesn't. Chen Sheng Lin takes a step closer but I just take a step backward because I don't want to get involve with him.

"Chen Sheng Lin, what do you want?" I asked him nervously.

"I want you to warm me tonight."

Wait! What is that mean? The scenes when I was in his mansion is like a nightmare and now, he wants me to going over there again? Oh, God! Please help me from this demon!

"Bai He Lian, you don't need to worry. I just need you to warm me and I promise, nothing more." He said to me.

"Do you think that I will trust you?" I asked him annoyedly.

"So why don't you trust me? I never hurt you, right?" Chen Sheng Lin draws his face closer at my nape and give me the weird sensation on that area.

"What?! Tell me how can I trust someone like you. You kidnapped me."

"Wait?! Bai He Lian, I don't think that I had kidnapped you." Chen Sheng Lin said to me.

"What?!!!!" I really almost exploded when I hear his answer. How can he said that he didn't kidnapped me?

"I just invited you." Chen Sheng Lin replied me.

"Chen Sheng Lin!"

Chen Sheng Lin give me his sinister smile. Do you know that I really want to slap his face bu I have to hold myself because I know he is a demon and I am not ready yet to die in my young age. I still wanting do a lot of things so I think I have to be patient to facing him, right?

"Why?" Chen Sheng Lin stared at me. "And now, what is your answer?" He asked me.

"Chen Sheng Lin, do you know that I don't want to see you tonight, so can you just leave now?" I asked him bravely.

"Then alright. I will give you what you want." Chen Sheng Lin said as his sinister smile carved on his ice pale face.

Chen Sheng Lin flip his palm up. Just in a second, I see that we are in a room. I remember… this is his room. I just want to turn around but I see nothing but the darkness.

"Chen Sheng Lin, what are you doing?" I shouted.

"I just give what do you want, you said that you don't want to see me tonight." I can hear his voice but I can see him and in a second later, I feel that there is something that tied my wrist. It's like that my naked back laying on a bed.

"Chen Sheng Lin, just let me go!"

"Let me remind you again." Cheng Sheng Lin's voice in my ears. "I just need you to make me warm so I will not touch you. You just need to take a rest like usual."

"What? Chen Sheng Lin, I am not your slave!" I shouted at him even I can't see Chen Sheng Lin but I just don't care. I can hear anything but I can feel the atmosphere become so cold. I don't know what happens right now but I feel so frustrated. I just want to shout out loud but I can't.

"I just want us to sleep nothing more, I promise to you. Don't worry." I can hear a gentle voice in my ears and I just become so drowsy right now. Is it make sense?