WebNovelRed Dust22.50%


Tell me how can I have to starting over?

You always run after me when I want to be free

Your shadow is my nightmare

Red Dust


I turned around and see that Chen Sheng Lin comes closer. I can feel his icy aura is really terrifying. I don't know how come I get involved with a devil like him. I have to working but until know he just make me get a heart attacks.

"Bai He Lian, Hong Yan Jing will be here and he also will accompany you to working." Chen Sheng Lin said.

"What?!" I was so frustrated right now. I try to collect the patient that still remain in me but I find it so hard. "Chen Sheng Lin, I don't want to Hong Yan Jing accompany me. I can going work by myself." I said to him.

"No, you can't. Hong Yan Jing will accompany you."

Oh, My God! Please tell me if this is not true! I can't hold it any longer! Someone, please help me! I shout out loud but when I turned around, I just find Chen Sheng Lin sit on the wooden chair while his arm rest on the marble table and his fingers on his jaw. I have to admit in this position, Chen Sheng Lin is like an angel but I realize the truth that he is a dark angel.

"Chen Sheng Lin, what are you doing now?" I asked him and I feel so creepy after I looked at his expression.

"I just waiting you to stop." He said to me and give his sinister smile to me.

Chen Sheng Lin is a demon! I really want to kill him right now! But I realize that I can do nothing! I still angry and there are a lot of questions in my mind. I want protest to the sky because make me meet a demon like him.

"What?!" Just save me, God!

"Bai He Lian, you know what?" Chen Sheng Lin still sit on his wooden chair. I know he do not need my answer. "This morning you are so cute."

"Chen Sheng Lin, I am not cute." I protested but Chen Sheng Lin looks like doesn't care.

"Bai He Lian, I tell you. No one can hear you in this place so I suggest you to keep your mouth for something else."

Wait?! What is something else that he means? My mind is wondering by thinking about his word. Is he makes me a joking right now?

"So can you just sit here and I have prepared the breakfast for you." Chen Sheng Lin said to me. "I tell you. If you don't want to eat this breakfast, don't blame me if the door will never appear. Owh! One thing…" Wang Lin stared at me. "You have to finish the breakfast to open the door. The decision is in your hand." He smile at me and I hate his cunning smile that he shows to me.


"Oh… I understand if you don't want to see me then I will leave you alone." Chen Sheng Lin raises from his chair and disappear in the mist.

"Chen Sheng Lin! Chen Sheng Lin! Chen Sheng Lin!!!!!!!!" I shouted his name but it seems so useless because I know that Chen Sheng Lin was disappear.

I can see the dinning table with a plate of fried rice and a glass of water in this room. I don't understand how come he forces me to do what he wants. No! I have to calm down. Okay! I have to admit that I don't have any choice. Chen Sheng Lin wont kill me, if he really wants to kill me, he can do it a long time ago.

I sit on the wooden chair while stared at the plate of fried rice in front of me. Actually, I don't have any appetite but I don't have any choice but to finish it. I looked around and I can see the door. I take a deep breath and start to eating the fried rice and finish it as soon as possible because I don't want to late.

After I finished the fried rice and drink the water, I can see the room door. This time, I don't want to waste my time and I open the door. I was so shocked when I see that I am in the change room in my café. Is it possible? When I turned around, I can't see the door anymore. So what is it? I also sees Hong Yan Jing who smiles at me.

"Hong Yan Jing, how can you are here?" I asked him curiously.

"Can't I here?" Hong Yan Jing looked at me and smile. I know that he must mocking me. "Okay! I am here to help you so what is the problem?" Hong Yan Jing asked me.

"Hong Yan Jing, I don't need you to help me here. Can he just let me free?" I asked him with a frustrated face.

"Bai He Lian, you know what is the answer. If you want to free from him. I think that's impossible." Hong Yan Jing come closer and whisper in mu left ear.

"Hong Yan Jing, what are you?" I asked him. my heartbeat beating so faster because I know Hong Yan Jing is not a common person.

"Bai He Lian, you don't need to know who I am. Let's say, my master wants me to help and take care of you when you are working in this place."

"Hong Yan Jing, I don't need a babysitter or a bodyguard to help and take care of me because I can take care of myself." I said this in front of Hong Yan Jing but that man just shakes his head. "Why? Why do you shake your head like that?"

"You know? If you can take care of yourself, you will never meet with my master at the first place and your ex-boyfriend will never take advantage of you." Hong Yan Jing whispered those facts in my left ear once again.

What does Hong Yan Jing said makes me speechless instantly.