WebNovelRed Dust29.38%

Stupid Thing

This atmosphere becomes totally different when you were here

I never know if someday this time will be our sweet memories

Red Dust


I know that I will regret it later but I really don't want to die here and right now. I want survive after the pain that I have been through. Xu Feng had been left me and betrayed me and he left a big scar in my heart. Even now, Xu Feng doesn't have a little bit guilty towards me.

I looked up at Chen Sheng Lin. He is a devil that can't kill me so I will do everything as long as I can survive. I don't have a family as well. So why I have to think about what people think of me? My body is freeze and I know if Chen Sheng doesn't help me then I will die soon and I know that I am not ready yet.