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The Amulets

The stars will be my accompany during this time and I don't care what I have to fight on because I know it's worth to fighting for…

Bai He Lian


I know I supposedly thinking of the baby's name but for the unknown reason, I can't think at all. A lot of things just happen suddenly. I still feel the pain. I want to sleep but I can't because of the shadow of those scenes.

"Yi Hua. Her name is Yi Hua." I said to Luo Fei Yang with a low tone.

"Bai Yi Hua… I think that's a beautiful name." Luo Fei Yang looks at the baby then smile. "Yi Hua, you have to take care of your mother later." Luo Fei Yang said with a gentle voice.

"Luo Fei Yang, thank you for always helping me." I said and I don't know why the tears just rolling down from my eyes. I really think that I almost die when I met Chen Lu in the hospital.