WebNovelRed Dust48.75%

Her Attempt

Do you know that you always be my nightmare?

My life as mundane is so short but why do you always hold me like this?

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

I really get shocked when Yi Hua showed us that she really want to live at Chen Lu's mansion. Oh God! What did I suppose to do? I really don't want to meet him anymore but… now… what can I do? And that sentence come out from Chen Lu's mouth.

"Yi Hua, if you want, you can go whenever you want." Chen Lu said to Yi Hua while His gaze is fixed on me. Is he wants to treat me or what? Is Chen Lu really wants to make me mad? I think I want to explode at this time but when I see Yi Hua's face who looked sad.

"Yi Hua, what happens?" I asked her.