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His Shadow Haunting Me

How come your existence become so important in my life right now?

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

I wake up in this morning without Chen Lu. At first, I think that was great but at the same time, I can feel there is something that I lost. Oh, God! Don't say that I miss Chen Lu. 

"Mama, Papa said that he will come back here after working." I hear Yi Hua's cute voice from beside me. She is still laying on the bed and now she hugs me tightly with her head on my chest. "Mama, don't worry…Papa will comeback to us."

Wait! I am not missing Chen Lu at all! I don't know how come Yi Hua thinks that I am missing Chen Lu? But I am not… It's impossible! Chen Lu is a cruel devil and I will remember that he is so dangerous. I looked at Yi Hua without knowing what should I say to her but keep her in my embrace for a while.