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Painful Decision

Why do I have to meet the pain after pain?

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

Looking at Xia De Ming in this condition is something hard for me to do because all this time, Xia De Ming is the one who cares me the most. Even he had never laid his finger on me. I can see his gaze on me still the same. I really don't know how to react but I know the tears made my face become moist. I can't think anything but run to him.

I don't care about the bad smell that filled this dirty cage. I don't care about his appearance and at this time, I feel the scene by scene are filled my mind just in a second. The scene when Xia De Ming and I have kissed each other passionately surrounded by the snow forest.

"Xia De Ming, I love you…"

"I will always love you, Bai He Lian."