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Unpredictable Encounter

I know that I hate you but at the same time, I also know that what I hate more is…

When you are not here with me

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

Again… I am here in the same bedroom. Fortunately, Chen Lu is not forced me to do something. Chen Lu orders me to take a rest. I think, since we bonded by the slave bonding, I never leave the bed for some reason. The tortures are so real until I can't sit by my own and I really don't know what should I do.

Chen Lu is always beside me as if he doesn't has anything to do but observes me all the time, I really don't know what should I do when I am here with him. Actually, I just need to know what's happen to Yi Hua. Ah! It's gonna be better if I am not hoping anymore.