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My Old Self

Why after I get everything that I want, I realize that I just trapped in loneliness

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

This morning, I just wake up and starting to open my shop. I have left this shop for a long time and to be honest, I am not sure if this place will be crowded as before. Before, I have Xia De Ming who helps me but now, I see no one and I realized that I am just alone. I looked around and find that I just by myself here as this shop has a lot of memories, I feel like Yi Hua shadow filled every single edge in this shop.

I take a deep breath and try to focus because I have to remind myself that I have to move on. I knew what I had been gone through it's not an easy thing but I know that I will get hurt if I remember and recite every bad memories so I decide to heal myself.