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Questioning Myself

My simple wish that I want to be with you forever

Chen Lu


Bai He Lian

I think he must chant a spell on me but deep down in my heart, I know this is not a spell at all. I just realize that I put my palms on Chen Lu's chest before all of my insanity come back to the right place. I have to be sober. I was reminded myself again and over again that Chen Lu is a devil. Chen Lu wants to manipulate me to do whatever he wants. Yes! I have to stop here before everything was too late.

I push his chest while my body move backward. Actually, I am still not sure what am I doing right now but yes! I don't want to take a risk anymore. Even though this pond make me feel better but I should not forget in the bottom of this pond, there is a dangerous lotus. I am not ready to pregnant.