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The Lost Memories

Can you remind everything in the past even though that will break your bone but at the same time it can set you free?

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

I don't know, how long we have stuck here because I don't know about the time and there is food when I need but I had never seen Chen Lu leave this place. My body is still weak and sometimes my fever high and at that time, Chen Lu will hug me and the next day, my body become better but something like that often happened and it makes me so curious.

I want to ask Chen Lu about this but I always forget when I see Chen Lu's face. During this time, Chen Lu is always treat me kindly. Okay. Chen Lu is always treat me well- That I don't know since when- but I can't stop for being careful when I am with him. I try to trust Chen Lu but I think that's need time.